Thursday, July 8, 2010
Course Syllabus Human Sexuality FMST 3523-01
Course Syllabus
Human Sexuality
FMST 3523-01; DAH 217
Oklahoma Christian University
Instructor: Lawrence Murray, Ph.D., Director of Multicultural Development
Assistant Professor of Psychology & Family Studies
Office: Enterprise Square
Phone: 425-1852 E-mail:
Office hours: M, W: 10:00am-11:00 am; F: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
OC Mission Statement: Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service. Faith (fully)
Required Text – By Rathus/ Nevid /Fichner-Rathus (2008). Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity (7th Ed). Pearson ed.
Course description: this course is an introduction to Human Sexual Development. The course will focus on the physical, social, and emotional aspects of human sexuality. Attention will be given to historical aspects of sexuality as well as recent research in the field.
Goals of the course: The overall goals of this course are to empower the student to:
1. Develop an understanding of the physiological sexual anatomy of the male and female.
2. Develop knowledge of sexual behaviors among cultures in various societies around the world both past and present.
3. Understand how sexuality develops throughout the life cycle for both men and women.
4. Define and describe various sexual social issues and problems that society faces.
**You are responsible for knowing the information in this syllabus**
Class topics and reading Schedule
Week 1 (Monday Aug 31st) Overview of course/Intro, what is Sexuality, class cultural differences in sexuality, Historical perspectives (Chapter 1)
(Wednesday Sept. 2th) (Chapter 1)
(Friday Sept 4th) Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology (Chapter 3)
Week 2 (Monday Sept. 7th) Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology (Chapter 3)
(Wednesday Sept. 9th) Chapter 1& 3 overview and exam perspective
(Friday Sept 11th) Exam 1 (Ch. 1,3)
Week 3 (Monday Sept. 14th) Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology (Chapter 4)
(Wednesday Sept. 16th) (Chapter 4)
(Friday Sept. 18th) (Chapter 5)
Week 4 (Monday Sept. 21st) (Chapter 5)
(Wednesday Sept. 23rd) Chapter 4 & 5 overview and exam perspective
(Friday Sept. 25th) Exam 2 (Ch. 4,5)
Week 5 (Monday Sept.28th) Gender Identity and Gender Roles (Chapter 6)
(Wednesday Sept. 30th) (Chapter 6)
(Friday Oct. 2nd) Attraction and Love---Binding Forces (Chapter 7)
Week 6 (Monday Oct. 5th) (Chapter 7)
(Wednesday Oct.7th) Chapter 6 & 7 overview and exam perspective
(Friday Oct. 9th) Exam 3 (Ch 6,7)
Week 7 (Monday Oct. 12th) Difficult Conversations in Sexuality
(Wednesday Oct 14th)
(Friday Oct 16th) FALL BREAK—NO CLASS
Week 8 (Monday Oct. 19th) Relationships and Communication (Chapter 8)
(Wednesday Oct. 21st) (Chapter 8)
(Friday Oct. 23rd ) Sexual Behaviors and fantasies (Chapter 9)
Week 9 (Monday Oct. 26th) (Chapter 9)
(Wednesday Oct. 28th) Overview and exam perspective
(Friday Oct. 30th) Exam 4 (Ch 8,9)
Week 10 (Monday Nov.2nd) Sexual Dysfunctions (Chapter 15)
(Wednesday Nov.4th)
(Friday Nov. 6th)
Week 11 (Monday Nov. 9th) Sexually Transmitted Infections (Chapter 16)
(Wednesday Nov. 11th)
(Friday Nov. 13th)
Week 12 (Monday Nov. 16th)
(Wednesday Nov. 18th)
(Friday Nov. 20th) Presentations
Week 13 (Monday Nov. 23rd) Presentations
(Wednesday Nov. 25th) THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY
Week 14 (Monday Nov. 30th)
(Wednesday Dec. 2nd) Presentations
(Friday Dec. 4th) Presentations
Week 15 (Monday Dec. 7th)
(Wednesday Dec.9th)
(Friday Dec. 11th)
WEEK 16 FINAL EXAM WEEK…………………………………………...
** These topics are a general guideline and are subject to change at the discretion of the professor.
Assignments –
1. 5 exams will be given through the course of the semester. Each exam will be worth 100 points. You are responsible for both reading assignments and classroom lecture notes. Note: The Final exam is the fifth exam and will consist of 100 questions; the other exams will have 50 questions worth 2 points each.
2. Participation will consist of classroom exercises, relevant discussion, and blackboard discussion groups.
3. You are expected to write a research paper on an issue in Human Sexuality. The topics can
Points available
Tests 400 pts
Final Exam 100 pts
Paper & presentation 100 pts
Total 600 pts
Grade Calculation
A 540 – 600
B 480 – 539
C 420 – 479
D 360 – 419
F < 359
Guidelines for Success in the Classroom
Studying. It is expected that a full-time college student will spend a minimum amount of time each week in class attendance and study out of class approaching a 40-hour work week. A person employed on a full-time basis should not simultaneously expect to maintain a full-time academic schedule. At the undergraduate level, this means that for each hour in class, a student is expected to spend at least two (2) hours doing home-work. For a three credit-hour class, a student is expected to spend six (6) hours per week doing homework.
Class participation. It is expected that you will have read each chapter before it is discussed in class. The key to success in any course is to read the material, attend class, ask good questions, take clear notes, and complete the assignments on time. I will try to answer your questions, elaborate on the topics you wish discussed, call your attention to the most important points in each chapter, and bring in outside information when relevant.
Attendance: Class attendance is required for this course. I strongly believe that your learning will be best achieved by being present and prepared to discuss the material during class. If you miss, you are responsible for obtaining anything we covered that day from someone who was present. Missing more than three weeks of this course (for any reason) will automatically result in a failing grade.
Policies and General Information
Laptop Policy: Laptops will be occasionally used for in class research or exams. Only during these times are they to be opened and used. They are not to be opened during normal times of classroom discussion.
Make Up Exams: Occasionally students will not be able to attend the day of the exam. Make ups will be given if student has received an excused absence from the examination. The instructor may, at his discretion, give a separate exam if he deems it appropriate. All make up exams must be made up prior to finals week. If the student has not done so, he or she will receive a zero for that test grade.
Academic Integrity:
Cheating on an examination or an assignment undermines the ethics of the academy and the specific Christian purposes of Oklahoma Christian University. Accordingly, students who cheat on examinations or assignments will face serious consequences, as outlined in the policy below.
One particular form of cheating is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the transmission of another’s ideas, words, or materials as one’s own and/or the failure to credit accurately the ideas, words, or materials of another. Plagiarism also includes passing off another’s work (a friend, a parent, a website) as one’s own. Plagiarism undermines the ethics of the academy and the specific Christian purposes of Oklahoma Christian University. Accordingly, students who engage in plagiarism in papers submitted will face serious consequences, as outlined in the policy below.
Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
1. On the first offense, the student will receive a 0 for the examination or assignment. Professors shall send documentation of the first offense to the appropriate chair, the dean of the appropriate college, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Dean of Students.
2. On the second offense, the student will receive an F in the course. Professors shall send documentation of the second offense to the appropriate chair, the dean of the appropriate college, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Dean of Students.
3. If the student receives an F in two courses for cheating and/or plagiarism, he or she will be suspended from the university.
Copyright notice.
Copyright 2005. Oklahoma Christian University (the University) as to all class materials and lectures whether distributed in class, on blackboard or by any other means. All rights are reserved. The university prohibits anyone from selling notes or being paid for taking notes without the express written permission of the University. Violation of copyright laws could subject a person to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liabilities as well as disciplinary action under University policies. The University holds the exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display the above works and to make derivative works based on those works. The work may be copied, viewed, and/or downloaded for the educational and research purposes only by a current student of the University. Class lectures and other activities may not be recorded, copied or distributed without written permission of the professor and dean.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA/504): If you have a diagnosed disability, please notify Ms. Amy Jansen (5907) before or immediately after your first scheduled class meeting. After your disability has been verified, your instructor will work with you, Ms. Jansen, and the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in the course.
Intellectual Property Rights: Some of the material that we/you develop during this class may be of benefit to others. Always include your name on the assignments so that I can give you full credit if your material and original thoughts are used. If there is any material you turn in that you do not want reprinted or made public in any way, please write that on the front of the assignment when you hand it in.
Need Help? It is my desire and prayer that you succeed in academics and in life. If you need help in academics please feel free to see me or any of your teachers. I am also concerned about your personal life to the extent that you may feel free to come by the office anytime and chat, or make an appointment. If things are too personal, please take advantage of our counseling center. The staff there is very helpful and confidential. For personal counseling call the counseling center (5250) for an appointment.
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