Friday, July 2, 2010


In Mark's gospel we are rushed from one event to another in the early life of Jesus. Mark moves us from the baptism, the temptation in the wilderness, Jesus' entering Galilee preaching the gospel, the call of the disciples, the healing of Peter's wife's mother, a multitude of healing, driving out demons, and in the very last five verses of chapter one, we are introduced to a leper who was healed by Jesus. The most amazing thing about this passage of scripture is that it says, " And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and TOUCHED HIM" (MARK 1:41)

There is much in this text to elaborate on but we must ask, WHAT IS IN A TOUCH?
1. Acknowledges you as a being----you are somebody
2. Acceptance--- its cruel to be acknowledged but not accepted
3. Approachability--it launches us forth in the relationship as equals

The touch of Jesus in the text goes a step further. Spiritually Jesus' touch is more than just human acknowledgement, acceptance and approachability. When Jesus touches us it says His:

1. Loving us as we are is Unquestioned--we cannot be so foul, so sinful, so selfish that God in Jesus does not love us!
2. Leaving us as we are is Unthinkable--witnessing the detestable condition of the leper moved Jesus with compassion! he will not leave you like you are, it's unthinkable!
3. Liberating us from what we are is Unending--This simply says that Jesus does not give up on us.

He didn't give up on Israel---Yes----but he sent moses--Oh yes--He didn't give up on Daniel----Yes-----but he dispatched an angel and locked the jaws of the lions-----Oh yes-----He didn't give up on the three Hebrew boys----yes---but Jesus himself came and stood in the furnace with them-- Oh yes----------he didn't give up on you and me---cause he sent Jesus to die-------Ohhhhhhhhhh happy day when Jesus washed my sins away---

I'm sorry I got carried away--------Go touch someone..cause after all, he touched you!