Friday, November 26, 2010

Preaching to the Choir

Preaching to the Choir

The bank sends the wire, mcdonalds will always hire, some are In the quagmire, trump will continue to fire, don't call me king but sire, I guess you figured I'm preaching to the choir. Every round goes higher and higher, as you try to aspire, straights will seem dire, but keep reacher higher, negativism hot like fire, yea, I'm preaching to the choir.

The choir knows this speech, so I beseech, that you heed each phrase, choir singing for days, about good times, when children respected parents, them were the days, when scripture like sun rays, flooded my soul on Sundays, evening service folk sitting in a daze, existing in a world of haze. the choir knows good preaching, sometime they will settle for solid teaching, as long as souls we're reaching, freeloaders will continue leaching, it's time to blow up the spot with metaphors, my father is bigger than yours, you worship the lowercase g, but the big G-O-D; is father of me, salvation full and free, the choir knows this so why are you looking at me, obey the same and you'll be set free, but I'm a keep it hot like fire cause I'm preaching to the choir....

Now let me be dramatic, charismatic, emphatic about the church world where there is more static, instead of focusing on Him, you Hem me in, not singing the Hymns you're dying within, props to Marrow way in Jersey, borrowed a verse from first name Wesley, ok nods to preachers in the COC, fame we never desire, I'm just preaching to the choir, not adding to your faith, you multiply the hate, subtracting from the word, and dividing the grace, this life is lived from faith to faith, Demas step out of the race, Judas kissed the Lord on the face, betrayal done with grace, Oh I want to see him, the choir knows that song, sing along, love endures and never will tire, I'm preaching to the choir! I can't end this speech so I continue to beseech

Looking at this man looking at me, pointing at me with three fingers pointing back at he, little does he know the things I see, his issues spattering like spotty tissues, refuse to lose, never see me snooze, like Eutychus in the window while Paul was preaching long, no record of any song, don't even know if his fall was long, but he was raised up to life- Paul had the desire-He knew he was preaching to the choir.

Dr. Lawrence Murray's MIND

It's Unbelievable How Some Don't Believe

Its Unbelievable How Some Don't Believe"
Lawrence Murray Ph.D.
Mark 6:1-6

We can start with this soul-searching question, Do you really believe that Jesus is the Son of God? The Lord's own family should at least gave Him the benefit of doubt. however they persisted in their unbelief...

Little boy coming out of Sunday school, asked by the minister, "Johnny, if you can tell me something God CAN do, I'll give you an apple."  Johnny said, "Preacher, if you can tell me something God CAN'T do, I'll give you a whole bushel of apples!"

1.  Knowing who God is, and knowing what God can do, I find it unbelievable that people could still suffer from unbelief.  However, unbelief is the root of all of our troubles.

Unbelief results in:
the sinner's doom
the Christian's defeat/discouragement/dullness

1 John 5: 4
"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."

2.  Unbelief is simply a refusal to LET GOD BE GOD!  When we suffer from unbelief we are simply holding, and hanging on to some aspect of a situation, refusing to turn it completely over to God, and let Him do what we cannot do.  

Faith:  a TOTAL release
Unbelief:  a PARTIAL release
Matt. 17: 20  "Faith of a Mustard Seed"
"mountains removed:"  a common phrase that the Jews knew well.  Whenever a great teacher who could expound the scripture and could explain difficulties, he was said to be an "uprooter, or remover" mountains."  

Jesus was saying:
"If you have enough faith, the size of the smallest seed known to man, every difficulty can be removed!"

1.   Unbelief is characterized by unusual Timing

1.  The time of these people's unbelief is amazing.  In fact, their timing could not have been any worse.  In the previous chapter, Mark 5, what has been referred to as the "Mercy Hospital Chapter," Jesus has just solved the problem of:
**a possessed man**
**a perplexed woman**
**a pitiful child**

2. Unbelief is countered by uncompromising Teaching

1.  Notice verse 2-3.  The first response of Jesus, in regards to their unbelief, was that He began to teach them.  Why?  Because "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!"  His teaching:


1.  vs. 2  They were confused as to who He really was.  The Jews had no problem believing in God, but, to them, Jesus was an impostor.


1.  v. 3  They began to discuss, and try to determine who Jesus really was.  Why?  Simply because, they could not bring themselves to believe in the man who had cast out demons, healed a blood disease, and raised a dead girl back to life.

3.  Unbelief is concluded by an unfortunate Tragedy

A.  What it CREATED!

1.  Their unbelief created confusion among the people.  Yet, these were HIS people.  These were his "kin" (v. 4).  They had no excuse to disbelieve Him, but every reason to believe Him.

B.  What it COST!

1.  Notice verses 5-6.  Their unbelief carried a hefty price tag.  It cost them His person, His presence and His power.  Because they failed to believe, they were cheated from being a part of His mighty work.

2.  I wonder how much our unbelief has cost us?  How much has cost our communities, our country, even our church?  God will do what we cannot do, but He only has one requirement, "ONLY BELIEVE;" "HAVE FAITH IN GOD!"

    Elderly woman would pray every day with her windows open.  Her neighbor was an old infidel, God-hater, who made fun of her prayers.  One day, she was in need of groceries.  She had no money, and no way to get them, so she got down in her living room floor and began to pray.  Her neighbor heard her prayer, and decided that he would teach the old woman a lesson.  He went and bought groceries and set them on her front porch.  She went to the door, saw the groceries, and began to praise God for supplying her need.  Her neighbor shouted, "Old woman, you are a fool, God didn't send those groceries, I went and bought them."  She said, "Oh, I beg to differ.  God did answer my prayer and sent those groceries; and, He even used the devil to do it!"

Put your whole trust in the Lord....I didn't see him, nor touch him, but I still believe Him.

Dr LMurray's Mind!!!!!