Saturday, September 11, 2010
In the Photo Reggie & I on my recent visit to Los Angeles-The Lord spared our lives!!!!
Becoming all things to all men that I might gain some--The Apostle Paul
On point L. Murray, Oh yes! On Point L. Murray, Oh yes! On point L. Murray, Oh yes—well grab the microphone and proceed to bless……
It was back in the days on the soil of L.A. I would play in the alley till the dogs chased me away, It was I, Reggie, and Anthony too, we would hang hard looking for something to do. Backyard basketball surviving the heat; not heat from the sun, but heat from the street, parents were strict never taking no mess, my father was real he stayed in my chest.
On point L. Murray, Oh yes! On Point L. Murray, Oh yes! On point L. Murray, Oh yes!--well grab the microphone again and continue to bless……
Growing up in the hood, but raised in the church. Christ was presented and that started my search. Going to service weekly, not connected to the Spirit—baptized in water, but devoid of true Spirit. Sitting in worship on Sunday but didn’t wanna hear it. Knew I had to change but only would fear it. Preacher Hogan speaking, Bro Andrew Tony teaching, Elders and Deacons were reaching, too caught up I was creeping, now in my 40’s these words are seeping, disciplined by God, the saints call it reaping.
On point L. Murray, Oh yes! On point L. Murray, Oh Yes! On Point, L. Murray, Oh Yes!—then grab the microphone and get it off your chest…
I remember being enamored by passages of scripture, they would hit ya-rip ya, I mean really convict ya. Hebrews about better things, Matthew when the Son of God sings, Pastoral epistles ring- Ephesians encourages me to sing. Moses leading the people as far as he could, Joshua following Moses like a good man should- John preparing the way in the wilderness similar to the hood, Now Jesus lives forever and now its all good. The Gospel is to be conveyed, the god of this world is afraid, be like Stephen he stayed, stones hitting his body violent rage.
There’s one more verse to the rhyme please check it. I share this truth because this generation may miss it, I keep on going and flowing like a river, little at a time you see I must gave a, closing truth to the youth they’re obtuse, not pointed, sometimes wandering totally disjointed- Please young folk obey this simple truth-----REMEMBER YOUR CREATOR IN THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH!
Just showing my teen daughters that dad can still get loose!
Dr. Lmurrays mind---
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