Romans 5:1-11
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I have good news for you. The War Is Over. A story is told by H.G. Well’s of a man of affairs whose mind was so tensed and strained that he was in serious danger of a complete nervous and mental breakdown. His doctor told him that the only thing that could save him was to find the peace that fellowship with God can give. “What!” he said, “ to think of that, up there, having fellowship with me! I would soon think of cooling my throat with the Milky Way or shaking hands with the stars!” God, to him, was the completely unknowable. A Vietnam Veteran had been in a coma for many years, but miraculously, he awoke from his coma shouting and running for cover. The doctors and nurses tried to contain him but the soldier prevailed. While security officers were coming, he became extremely violent. Finally, another Veteran had overheard the commotion and he wheeled himself down the hall and said, “The War Is Over.” Immediately, the once ferocious soldier became tranquil. This poor soldier had no idea that everything was made right and he no longer had to fight. Many Christians are fighting a war that has already been won. We try to work our way, win our way, and wallow our way to victory; not understanding that victory is in Jesus Christ. It is only when we realize that God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that there comes into life that intimacy with him, that new relationship, which Paul calls Justification. Before Jesus came, no one could ever be close to God. Paul writes:“ For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.” ( Romans 8:3).
Scripture states clearly that no one can justify themselves, moreover, no one can be justified or made right with God by keeping a law, going to church, and not cursing.
Dear reader stop fighting, quit trying to please God with your works. Paul informs the Roman Christians: “ Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight; for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” (Romans 3:20).
In this chapter I hope you discover the remarkable reality of justification. I want you to see how God Literally makes us right with him. On your journey you need to be aware of the process of Justification, the privilege of Justification, and the praises of Justification. May the Holy Spirit remover the scales and help the reader to see that The War Is Over.
While we may be correct in saying that the War Is Over, one needs to understand how
The war was won. The process of Justification explains in detail how the war between God and mankind is settled. There are three keys in this process that will help us
Understand our glorious victory.
No matter how hard you try, your good works will never make you acceptable before God. As a lad, I tried everything imaginable to be right with God. The harder I tried the
worst I became. It was amazing for me to discover that the Lord Jesus Christ has already laid the foundation for me to be Justified (made right with God). I had to come to the horrible end of myself. The fact is Scripture charges everyone with sin (Romans 3:9-18),God’s law is not intended to save, but to make us aware of our sin! (Romans 3:20) Salvation is something that we appropriate by faith; plus it is a gift and cannot be earned by anything a person might do. (Ephesians 2:8).
If works justified Christians then there would be boasting on every hand. The first key to understanding the process of justification is: remembering that works alone can’t justify. It is not work then faith; it is work of faith (Romans 4:1-5). Paul does an excellent job outlining how righteousness is required in Chapters 1-3 of Romans. But he also shows how this righteousness is provided in Chapters 3-5 of Romans. Christ provides the perfect righteousness thus he was able to totally justify us. Paul says, “ Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Romans 3:24-26). We are made right with God by the sacrifice of Christ and not our works. Remember Abraham believed God and was counted righteous because his faith produced works.
Faith is the second key to understanding the process of Justification. The entire fourth chapter of Romans is dedicated to show the Christian how one is Justified by faith. Paul demonstrates from history that salvation has been a gift received by faith. Righteousness was credited to Abraham because he “believed God” (Rom 4:1-3).
The real question is, do you really believe God? Abraham was not trying to do God’s word; he was relying on God’s word. When we try the power comes from us. But when we rely the power comes from another source. Genesis 15 Chapter records this wonderful testimony of how God promised Abraham a son and a numerous seed (vv.4-5). Abraham did one simple thing; “he believed the Lord” (vs.6), that is real faith. Because of his faith, “God counted it to him for righteousness” (v.6b). You see, true faith will be coupled with works. Was not our ancestor Abraham Justified by faith when he offered his son Isaac on the alter? You see that his faith and his actions were working together and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called God’s friend. You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone (James 2:21-24 niv). Let’s clear the fog, true faith will not only believe what God says but will also act on what God says. Abraham serves as a perfect picture of justification by faith. Paul concludes the fourth chapter of Romans by showing how Abraham did not waver in his faith but hoped against hope. It is amazing how Abraham was fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised (Romans 4:21niv). You might wonder, how does this relate to me? Well, Abraham is an illustration of faith; to show how one should have the same faith in God. Are you fully persuaded that God sent his son to die on the cross for your sins? If so, believe and obey him.
Notice Romans 4:22-25,-- This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness. The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord form the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
This leads us into the third key in the process of justification- Our third key to the process of justification is simple yet profound. One cannot say he/she is justified unless they’ve come through Jesus Christ. Remember Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, died a righteous death, and was raised perfectly; thus he secured a righteousness that no human can achieve on their own. The crack addict, the hustler, the prostitute, the drunkard, all sinners must come through Jesus Christ. How can someone come through Jesus Christ? Good question, now in order to see this, read Romans 4:25 carefully-HE WAS DELIVERED OVER TO DEATH FOR OUR SINS AND WAS RAISED TO LIFE FOR OUR JUSTIFICATION” did you see it? Jesus died for every sin Past, Present, and future (His death covers). Further his resurrection is the proof that our sins are gone forever (His resurrection cancels).
The only way to be truly justified is to come through the only avenue God has provided. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Praise the Lord! NOT OF WORKS, BY FAITH, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. ---THE WAR IS OVER!
The subject of the entire Epistle to the Romans is a man’s justification before God through Christ. The verb “to justify” (dikaio in Greek) is a legal term meaning to acquit, to declare righteous; the opposite of condemn. What a privilege to be acquitted; we deserve the wrath of God, yet God declares us righteous. God does not declare us justified or righteous unless two things are accomplished: First, a person must be truly Born Again by the power and energy of the Holy Spirit (John 3:3-8). Secondly, a truly born again Christian will manifest their new life in Daily Living. If one does not live the life, they do not have this life within them, but is simply under a delusion that they’re saved. Justification is a once and for all accomplishment by Christ. Remember, once a person has received Christ in their hearts, the Lord considers that person justified---The War Is Over. I would like to share with you five privileges of being justified.
Look at verse one “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” The first privilege is being made spiritually alive by Christ. Paul wants us to understand that our faith in Christ death, burial, and His resurrection power actually activates us spiritually. The Christian is Born again ( born anew; from up above.) Without trusting Christ for salvation, there would be no justification whatsoever: you must receive His blood that was shed on the cross in order to be made spiritually alive. Let me illustrate: A teenager was dying and needed blood in order to survive. There was nothing the surgeons could do to save his life. Several attempts were made to find his blood type, but no one had the match. Finally, a doctor heard of this young man’s dilemma and he remembered he had a son with the same blood type of the dying young teenager. Anxiously, the doctor rushed away to pick up his son. While on the way back to the hospital, the doctor was explaining to his son how he is going to participate in the saving of a life. Suddenly a car crossed the lane and hit the doctor and his son head on. The doctor’s son was ejected through the window and thrown headlong to his death. This doctor staggered to his son in tears sobbing and whaling as his son lay there limp. Amazingly, the doctor collected enough blood from his son to administer to the dying teenager. The doctor, displaying Christ-like strength burst into the hospital room. He was bruised, bloody, and battered by the recent accident. He said, “ I have to blood you need to survive and remain alive; here take my only sons blood.” The dying teenager said, “ Sir I don’t want your sons blood, it won’t save me.” When this boy rejected the blood, he refused the only thing that could keep him alive.
An awesome blessing occurs when are justified . Verse 1a of Romans 5 says, “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This means that we can have a relationship with God. In regard to this verse, Denney says, “ The justified have peace with God......” Dear reader, his wrath no longer threatens us we are accepted in Christ. It does not mean a change in your feelings, but a change in God’s relation to you. The Greek word for “peace” is (eirene) the verb is Eiro meaning “to bind together that which has been separated.” Our Lord made peace through the blood of the cross ( colossians 1:20). His death binds together again those who trust him. The word “with” is from the original word pros meaning “facing.” In other words, the justified sinner has peace facing God. As a Christian we stand before God guiltless and uncondemned. Paul says this is all through our Lord Jesus Christ. Look what Paul said about being made spiritually alive. As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, Made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:1-5).
In our second privilege we see Paul continuing a thought from verse one into verse two. Verse 2 says, “ through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” The Christian has been made spiritually active. The first part of verse 2 says, “ through whom we have gained access.” We are spiritually active because the Lord has given us access to God. In my wallet, I have an ATM card, most Americans possess an ATM card. The ATM card gives us access to our funds anytime of the day or night. The ATM card, introduces us to our funds. In the same way Christ introduces us to God the Father. Let me me say it another way, Jesus clothes us in his righteousness by his own blood and then brings us in full favor with God. Now, how long do we have this access. The word “have” in verse 2 of Romans 5 is interesting; it is called the perfect tense meaning action in the past with the results continuing into the present. Christ has given us permanent access to the Father and His grace. What does it mean to be spiritually active? Simply, we are now able to draw on the spiritual resources from God. (His love,joy peace, kindness,goodness, faith, gentleness and many more). These blessings are available because we have access to God through Jesus Christ.
Our spiritual activity is not temporary; look at the later part of verse 2: “ And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” The Christian has access into His present grace to live, and we also rejoice because we know that this access allows us to participate in the glory of God in heaven. Rejoice! you have the hope of actually being with God in glory! As a spiritually active Christian, we even have the capacity to rejoice in our tribulations. In verse 3, Paul’s tells every Christian that we should rejoice in our tribulations. When difficulties come, it is hard to rejoice; but notice Paul is not admonishing the Christian to rejoice in the tribulation alone, but he is saying rejoice because of the benefit that tribulation will bring. Paul says it works patience, in other words every difficulty and trial is accomplishing or achieving something beautiful. Let me illustrate, clay in a potters hands is undone. The potter, beats it, pats it, molds it, and puts it under tribulation; however, this is only accomplishing an amazing thing. One day that clay will be a beautiful picture piece for use. The Christian goes through all kinds of tribulations; death, divorce, disease, distress, depression, and other maladies. But this is only going to produce patience. God wants to develop in his spiritually active saint a quality called perseverance or patience. Friend, God wants us to remain under trials so that we can learn the lesson they are sent to teach, rather than attempt to get out from under them to be relieved of their pressure. If you have ever prayed for the Lord to “give you more patience, Well, guess what? He may use trials to teach you to be steadfast, constant, and enduring. As a result of the patience produced in the Christian, there is experience. It simply means that the Christian was put to the test by tribulation and it worked patience, and this patience proves that the Christian has met the specifications. Now, we need to always remember that this experience produces lasting hope in the glory of God.
Every Christian will have to suffer. Our Justification does not mean that we will not have to suffer. Someone has said, “ in the future we will become, but until then we must overcome. This means we will experience difficulties to help us grow. The life Application Study Bible includes a commentary that has been helpful in the understanding of this verse. “ We rejoice in suffering, not because we like pain or deny its tragedy, but because we know God is using life’s difficulties and Satan’s attacks to build our character. The problems that we run into will develop our perseverance- which will strengthen our character, deepen our trust in God, and give us greater confidence about the future. The actual verse sheds a floodlight on our understanding.“ We can rejoice too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us- they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation” (Romans 5:3-4). Life application Study Bible; As a spiritually active Christian, there will be seasons of trials that will teach us endurance and build character. Praise God, because through it all we become more assured of salvation.
The hope that is developed from being spiritually active carries over into us being spiritually assisted. Paul says in verse 5, “And hope does not disappoint us.” In other words the hope we have in our salvation will not lead us to final frustration. There is a reason why our hope will not disappoint us. God is not going to deceive us. God loved us so much, that He willingly offered His son for our sins. Moreover, He assists us in our daily walk. God assist the believer by: “ Pouring out His love into our hearts” That is how He does it. “ By the Holy Spirit whom he has given us” That is specifically who does it. God Actually pours His love deep into our personal lives, directly into the seat of our affection. The Lord pours in and still floods our hearts. The person of the Holy Spirit actually drops nuggets of comfort just to let us know that God the father still loves us and will not let us down. The New living Translation gives us new meaning to Romans 5:5 “ For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.” It is refreshing to know that while on the journey, the Holy Spirit confirms that God is in the midst of every moment of our lives. The Holy Spirit within assists us on our journey assuring us that the war is over.
Let all of us come to the sobering conclusion that we are weak and powerless creatures needing a savior to save us from our sins. Someone had to come and rescue us. We are going to see how God demonstrates His love by acquitting us of the charges of sin. Yes, sin has a penalty. Romans 6:23 says, “ For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal.” Christ saves us from the penalty of sin (death); the power of sin (dominion; and ultimately the presence of sin (deliverance). If you are a truly born again Christian, then you are acquitted of all charges. Glory! Christ came exactly at the right time. Verse 6 says, “ You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless Christ died for the ungodly.” This verse really shows how we are powerless to obtain justification by works and it even shows how God in His divinely appointed time sent His son. How encouraging it is to know, that Christ did not die for the pretty, sassy, and rich; “ He died for the ungodly.” As you read this, can you imagine the sinless Son of God taking your place? While we were helpless and doomed without hope, Christ died for all sinners. Keep in mind that Paul is addressing the Church at Rome about the amazing sacrifice that was made for all who would trust Christ for salvation. Think about it, you’re in the courtroom; the jurors have just entered the room with a verdict. Your family and friends all wait nervously. The attorney selected for you tries to gives you words of encouragement knowing that the verdict will be unanimous. The bailiff hands the verdict over to the judge to be read; before reading the verdict your hearts beats overtime knowing that you don’t stand a chance. While the judge prepares the court for the reading of the verdict, your mind contemplates the death sentence, prison life, and possible parole. Then the judge simply says, “GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES, AND IS SENTENCED TO DEATH.” The blood in your veins becomes cold and your head drops to the floor; but all of a sudden the judge takes off his robe and steps from behind the bench, he comes to where you are standing and says, “ I’ll Die for you.” In a similar fashion, the Son of God took our place on the cross. That’s why Paul said, “ at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” Glory to the lamb that was slain in our place. God’s son was not guilty, but took the penalty for those who are guilty so that the guilty may be acquitted. To further show the war is over, Paul continues in verse 7 of Romans 5 by saying, “ Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.” How many people do you know that would die for their good next-door neighbor? Moreover, how many of you would die for the winner of the noble peace prize? Listen, my friend it is hard enough to just imagine dying for good upright people. In verse 7, justice is the motive of the righteous man, and love is that which inspires the good man. The Holy Spirit wants us to be aware that it is hard even to die for one who is control by justice and love. Paul wants us to see the magnitude of God’s love. By the way, would you die for rapist, murderers, thieves, and outcast?
Romans 5:8, continues and expands on the subject of the love of God by contrasting between what we can conceive might be done for the good man and what Christ has already done for sinners. It begins by saying, “But God” This conjunctive phrase helps us to understand that God has the ability to change our human frailty. In Ephesians 2:1 Paul says in verse 1, “ And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins......... but in verse 4 of Ephesians he says, “But God, who is rich in mercy loved us even when we were dead.” My friend, can you see that a “ But God” can change the atmosphere on a dark and cloudy day. A “But God” can add brightness in a dim room. Dear reader, the light in our lives was dark and dim, “But God” commended or demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” The word commended in this verse means to give proof of. God proved or demonstrated His own love--WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS. These are beautiful words. God sent His son Jesus to die for us. The savior died, not because we were good enough, but because he loved us. Whenever we feel uncertain about God’s love, we should remember that he loved us even before we turned to Him. Wow, just think, the Son of God took our place so that we can share in his righteousness. The war is over please go and tell someone else that Christ took his or her place on the cross.
The story is told of a minor who once said to a preacher, “ I’d like to be a Christian, but I can’t receive what you said tonight.” “Why not?” Asked the preacher. “Well, I’d give anything to believe that God would forgive my sins, but I can’t believe He’ll forgive me if I just turn to Him. It’s too cheap.” The preacher looked at him and said,” have you been working today?” Surprised, the man replied, “Yes, I was down in the pit as usual. Why?” How did you get out of the pit?” “The way I usually do. I got into the cage and was pulled to the top.” “How much did you pay to come out of the pit?” The minor looked at the preacher in astonishment. “ Pay?” of course, I didn’t pay anything.” “Well,” said the preacher, “weren’t you afraid to trust yourself to that cage? Wasn’t it too cheap?” “ Oh no,” he said; “it was cheap for me, but it cost the company a lot of money to sink that shaft.” Then the implication of what he had said struck him, and he saw that though he could have salvation without money and without price, it had cost the infinite God a great price to rescue lost souls. Christ acquits us.
We have seen how we are made spiritually alive, active, assisted, and acquitted, finally under the last privilege of justification; lets see how we are spiritually accepted. Look at verses 9-10 of Romans 5: “ since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him. For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life.”
All Christians have bee made right or justified by His blood; moreover, we shall be saved from God’s wrath through Christ. When we received Christ as savior, His blood made us right with God. Ultimately, we shall be saved through his life. Paul’s argument is from the greater to the lesser; Since Christ died when we were unlovely and unlovable, how much more will he save us now that we are in Him. How many ways do you need to read verse 9 to see that God’s salvation is full and free. Now friend, slow down and read this carefully. “ When you receive and accept God’s Son, God the father accepts you!” I hope you believe this. Paul uses the phrase “how much more,” it denotes a greater abundance. I loved my daughter Whitney before she was born; I loved her while she was an embryo, how much more will I love her now that she is born into this world. You see, the war is over. We cannot live the Christian life struggling against God; we have to reckon that God has made us right with Him because of His Son. Lets begin living as heavenly citizens. Verse 9 literally lifts the restrainers of bondage and allows us to bask in the wonder of being saved from God’s wrath through Christ. Since Christ purchased our redemption, a friendship has been restored. We are no longer enemies. Can you believe it, God accepts us as his children. Verse 10 is almost a repeat of verse 8. But verse 10 includes what I call a bonus. It is true, Jesus Christ died for us while we were still at war with God. However, since we have been reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. My friend, Jesus lives. Hebrews 7:25 says, “ Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” Jesus not only had an earthly ministry, but he has a heavenly ministry in which He intercedes on our behalf. Since He acted in our favor when we did not know him, how much more will he save us? The Christian is free from guilt because we were reconciled by the death of Christ. The word of God says, “ God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.” Our justification cost the death of Christ, moreover, our present life depends on him as a living savior. I postulated this quote. “ A good friend is hard to find, but an enemy is always available.” Thank God, we have a friend in Jesus. He made us friends again with God. We should continually Thank God for these privileges of justification. I maintain that these salient truths should assure us that the war is over.
The word praise is an interesting word. In its verb form, it means to sing, to laud, or more specifically to sing the praises of. We shall see that a Christian has every right to sing the praises of God who justifies us through His Son. Verse 11 reads like the beautiful lyrics of a love song, or a doxology of a letter. This verse provides the Christian with just the right dose of assurance. Romans 5:11, is a conclusion on the thought of verses 8-10. Paul says, “ Not only is this so, but we rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.” Notice, Paul affirms what he already stated by saying, “Not only is this so.” In other words , “not only will we be saved by his life, but we also rejoice in God through Jesus Christ. There are two keys to note. The first key is: By His life we are saved. The second key is: Through Him we rejoice. There is praise in our justification. In the beginning of this chapter, I informed you that on your journey you need to be aware of the process, privilege, and praise of justification. Well, I want you to get this in your heart. God had freed you! You may rejoice! We live in an age where Christians try to legislate praise. Some try to stifle or prevent others from expressing their thanks to God. What a shame. Many are locked in on how you rejoice or praise, that they forget to rejoice altogether. The text says, “ Rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Paul simply tells us who to rejoice in. We are reminded time and time again to rejoice. A person who receives so much from God is bound to be filled with joy and praise. Let us not forget, the word “reconcile” is KATALLASO: meaning to change thoroughly, to exchange, and to change from enmity to friendship. The idea is that two persons who should have been together all along are brought together. We can praise God for sending His Son to make us right with Him. The Christian is a recipient to reconciliation, which means that we accept what God has done for us. God reached out to man therefore we must receive Him. How can we resist praising God for making us alive, active, assisted, acquitted, and accepted? Listen to God’s word, “ to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved” (Ephesians 1:6).
“And having made peace through the blood of His cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven” (Colossians 1:20.)
“ Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful High priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people” (Hebrews 2:17).
We were once without hope fighting an enemy that can only be defeated with divine help. God sent his son in our likeness to defeat death, hell, and the grave. Now, because of Jesus, the war is over. Hurry, go and tell that Christian who is trying to save themselves; quick, run and inform the traditionalist; please someone remind the legalist, that the “WAR IS OVER”
Although the war is over in reference to our position in Christ, there is still a battle being waged. The difference is that God is in the battle with the Christian fighting for us. Again, we are no longer at war with God because our obeying the gospel of Christ made us accepted. However in the next chapter we will see how the battle shifts, and the Christian must KNOW that they are buried with Christ, RECKON that they are dead to sin, and YIELD themselves to God.