Friday, November 26, 2010

Preaching to the Choir

Preaching to the Choir

The bank sends the wire, mcdonalds will always hire, some are In the quagmire, trump will continue to fire, don't call me king but sire, I guess you figured I'm preaching to the choir. Every round goes higher and higher, as you try to aspire, straights will seem dire, but keep reacher higher, negativism hot like fire, yea, I'm preaching to the choir.

The choir knows this speech, so I beseech, that you heed each phrase, choir singing for days, about good times, when children respected parents, them were the days, when scripture like sun rays, flooded my soul on Sundays, evening service folk sitting in a daze, existing in a world of haze. the choir knows good preaching, sometime they will settle for solid teaching, as long as souls we're reaching, freeloaders will continue leaching, it's time to blow up the spot with metaphors, my father is bigger than yours, you worship the lowercase g, but the big G-O-D; is father of me, salvation full and free, the choir knows this so why are you looking at me, obey the same and you'll be set free, but I'm a keep it hot like fire cause I'm preaching to the choir....

Now let me be dramatic, charismatic, emphatic about the church world where there is more static, instead of focusing on Him, you Hem me in, not singing the Hymns you're dying within, props to Marrow way in Jersey, borrowed a verse from first name Wesley, ok nods to preachers in the COC, fame we never desire, I'm just preaching to the choir, not adding to your faith, you multiply the hate, subtracting from the word, and dividing the grace, this life is lived from faith to faith, Demas step out of the race, Judas kissed the Lord on the face, betrayal done with grace, Oh I want to see him, the choir knows that song, sing along, love endures and never will tire, I'm preaching to the choir! I can't end this speech so I continue to beseech

Looking at this man looking at me, pointing at me with three fingers pointing back at he, little does he know the things I see, his issues spattering like spotty tissues, refuse to lose, never see me snooze, like Eutychus in the window while Paul was preaching long, no record of any song, don't even know if his fall was long, but he was raised up to life- Paul had the desire-He knew he was preaching to the choir.

Dr. Lawrence Murray's MIND

It's Unbelievable How Some Don't Believe

Its Unbelievable How Some Don't Believe"
Lawrence Murray Ph.D.
Mark 6:1-6

We can start with this soul-searching question, Do you really believe that Jesus is the Son of God? The Lord's own family should at least gave Him the benefit of doubt. however they persisted in their unbelief...

Little boy coming out of Sunday school, asked by the minister, "Johnny, if you can tell me something God CAN do, I'll give you an apple."  Johnny said, "Preacher, if you can tell me something God CAN'T do, I'll give you a whole bushel of apples!"

1.  Knowing who God is, and knowing what God can do, I find it unbelievable that people could still suffer from unbelief.  However, unbelief is the root of all of our troubles.

Unbelief results in:
the sinner's doom
the Christian's defeat/discouragement/dullness

1 John 5: 4
"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."

2.  Unbelief is simply a refusal to LET GOD BE GOD!  When we suffer from unbelief we are simply holding, and hanging on to some aspect of a situation, refusing to turn it completely over to God, and let Him do what we cannot do.  

Faith:  a TOTAL release
Unbelief:  a PARTIAL release
Matt. 17: 20  "Faith of a Mustard Seed"
"mountains removed:"  a common phrase that the Jews knew well.  Whenever a great teacher who could expound the scripture and could explain difficulties, he was said to be an "uprooter, or remover" mountains."  

Jesus was saying:
"If you have enough faith, the size of the smallest seed known to man, every difficulty can be removed!"

1.   Unbelief is characterized by unusual Timing

1.  The time of these people's unbelief is amazing.  In fact, their timing could not have been any worse.  In the previous chapter, Mark 5, what has been referred to as the "Mercy Hospital Chapter," Jesus has just solved the problem of:
**a possessed man**
**a perplexed woman**
**a pitiful child**

2. Unbelief is countered by uncompromising Teaching

1.  Notice verse 2-3.  The first response of Jesus, in regards to their unbelief, was that He began to teach them.  Why?  Because "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!"  His teaching:


1.  vs. 2  They were confused as to who He really was.  The Jews had no problem believing in God, but, to them, Jesus was an impostor.


1.  v. 3  They began to discuss, and try to determine who Jesus really was.  Why?  Simply because, they could not bring themselves to believe in the man who had cast out demons, healed a blood disease, and raised a dead girl back to life.

3.  Unbelief is concluded by an unfortunate Tragedy

A.  What it CREATED!

1.  Their unbelief created confusion among the people.  Yet, these were HIS people.  These were his "kin" (v. 4).  They had no excuse to disbelieve Him, but every reason to believe Him.

B.  What it COST!

1.  Notice verses 5-6.  Their unbelief carried a hefty price tag.  It cost them His person, His presence and His power.  Because they failed to believe, they were cheated from being a part of His mighty work.

2.  I wonder how much our unbelief has cost us?  How much has cost our communities, our country, even our church?  God will do what we cannot do, but He only has one requirement, "ONLY BELIEVE;" "HAVE FAITH IN GOD!"

    Elderly woman would pray every day with her windows open.  Her neighbor was an old infidel, God-hater, who made fun of her prayers.  One day, she was in need of groceries.  She had no money, and no way to get them, so she got down in her living room floor and began to pray.  Her neighbor heard her prayer, and decided that he would teach the old woman a lesson.  He went and bought groceries and set them on her front porch.  She went to the door, saw the groceries, and began to praise God for supplying her need.  Her neighbor shouted, "Old woman, you are a fool, God didn't send those groceries, I went and bought them."  She said, "Oh, I beg to differ.  God did answer my prayer and sent those groceries; and, He even used the devil to do it!"

Put your whole trust in the Lord....I didn't see him, nor touch him, but I still believe Him.

Dr LMurray's Mind!!!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Can You Tell If The Saints Have Been Revived?

How Can You Tell if the Saints Have Been Revived?

NEHEMIAH 8: 1 - 3

Many churches engage in revival meetings where the preacher comes and fires up the people; then he leaves. I'm not saying that this is bad, I just know that a deeper experience must be our agenda. I have done myriads of revivals and I enjoy stirring the saints to greater heights of service. However, there is always a hidden thought about whether or not the saints really have had true revival. I know that there are different types of soils in our audiences, and not all soil is prepared for the seed of the word to penetrate. But, this does not absolve us from the concern of revival.

JESUS CHRIST wants there to be tell-tale sings of His work among
His people. After He has brought about revival in the lives of
His people, He desires for there to be evidence that abides.
In the Old Testament there is an experience in the life of
Israel which illustrates this. The Lord had returned His people
to their home land and blessed them in the rebuilding of the
walls of Jerusalem. A spirit of revival resulted among the
people. Their conduct is commendable for us to copy. There are
always specific signs showing that revival has come.

Note, "All the people gathered as one man..."
Before the revival, some were pessimistic and complained while
others criticized. They were not different than we before the
revival. May we be no different than they after the revival.
The spirit of revival brought reconciliation and new expressions
of love "as one man." Unity and harmony causes a body to
function together.
Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are my
disciples -- if you love one another."
Candidly, has revival come to you? If you are holding a grudge
or harboring a resentment against someone, you need revival.

They read it -- 8:3.
They revered it -- 8:5.
They related it -- 8: 7, 8 (understood it and its application)
Honestly, has revival come to your life? If it has, you will do
as they and study the Scripture daily (8:18).

They had renewed reverence.
They had increased prayer.
They had expanded worship.
The Psalmist said: "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into
His courts with praise."
The Lord said, "Whoso offers praise glorifies me."
Has revival come to you. If so, you will daily praise Him and
pray through Him.

They were broken over sin. They realized their righteousness
were as filthy rags.
Has revival come to your life. If so, you have a new
perspective of sin -- your sin.

When revival comes, there is rejoicing in service.
There is rejoicing in sharing (soul-winning).
The joy of the Lord is dependent upon obedience to the Lord.
Relate to Jesus "who for the joy that was set before Him,endured
the cross, despising the shame..." (Hebrews 12:2).
Is there that joy of service desiring expression in your life?
If so, you have experienced revival. If not, you need revival.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lyrics Of Fury- I used to hang on this corner in LA-Not to do wrong, but to dream and aspire with friends!

Words can penetrate, the intent can denigrate, poison locking you in a state, of, crazy confusion even strange delusions, so I speak words from my mind, every word inspired by the divine, father of spirits, souls ought to hear it, furious at the state world- PLEASE  HEAR IT!-to the Jury- Lyrics of Fury!

Vocabulary is crucial, speech is critical, terms are lethal, say the wrong thing then burial,  Christ Jesus was lyrical in the sermon on the mount, judge not, that you be not judged, is when it all counts, angry at post-modernism, furious so I bring criticism, tea-party brewing venom, society in delirium, snakes handing out contracts, really trying to find out where I'm at, but i stopped carrying around the gat, get back please, Satan on your knees, blinding eyes with lies and disease, furious at the state of the world-PLEASE HEAR II!-to the Jury- Lyrics of Fury!

Furious at the state of the world, trafficking boys and girls,sensual satanic squirrels, small grooming leaches, should be stretched out on beaches, please listen to this thesis, Allowing. Real criminals to roam free-lord lead me to eternity, the more I stay the more crookedness I see, thank you for living in me, protecting me from the stuff I see, but still loving my community, some are devoted to sticking and robbing, others are into shucking and jiving, me, I'm pushing verses trying to survive-in, the land where the scriptures are not respected, preachers are spitting knowledge and you deject it, furious at the state of the world-PLEASE HEAR IT!-to the Jury- Lyrics of Fury!

Furious at the state of the world, hatred,jealousy, and envy all around me, were you in when the UN, allowed Ahmadinejad"s sin, to manifest what's within-blaming the US for your sin....Son of darkness. The pit is your end.....I love the USA see-peace to Laurence Jeffrey serving for me, she, and we, grammatical structure no concern, writing in a style for those who can discern, passion for love is what I really yearn, state of the world on slow burn, so I write in all kind of styles, the words can flow for many miles, I have one dissertation in the files, but no one would read it, marital satisfaction going down no one would heed it, No one talks about real love on TV, twisted love respected, strange love manifested, the sad thing...we digest it, furious at the state theof the world-PLEASE HEAR IT!-to the Jury- Lyrics of Fury!

Furious at the state of the world, now help me understand, why people  are starving in foreign lands, witchcraft on every hand, combat hand to hand, slaughtering fellow-man & woman, no really, help understand why the community of Christ is so divided, our differences are meant to bring glory so don"t hide it, Mexican, Asian, Caucasian, Malaysian, others are in there from other persuasions, African-American, uh oh here we go again, like all my brothers eat chicken and watermelon, talk broken English in drug selling, KRS-ONE gets the citation for the last phrase but I'm still yelling...that Christians need to stop bailing, out on the responsibility, to make a difference in the community...Christ in thee, hope of glory, the Almighty, Head of the body, can relieve me of fury, furious at the state of the world-PLEASE HEAR IT!-to the jury-Lyrics of Fury!

furious at the state of the world, let me explain, some of the things For which i express disdain, simple humanoid relations, with it we'll be a better nation, teaching a whole new generation, not to engage in the violation, of dehumanization---it can be subtle or overt, but the process can really hurt, a society feeling non-human with no girt, here's another way our human relations suffer, when our young men attempt to act tougher and tougher, the system gets rougher and rougher, so you act harder and harder, rather than smarter and smarter, jobs go farther and farther, from your reach, your grasp, your atmosphere, cause you fail to adhere,the instruction in your ear, watch the obstruction, man your headed for self-Destruction, furious at the state of the world-Please Hear It-to the jury-Lyrics of Fury!          

Dr. Lawrence Murray

Saturday, September 11, 2010


In the Photo Reggie & I on my recent visit to Los Angeles-The Lord spared our lives!!!!

Becoming all things to all men that I might gain some--The Apostle Paul

On point L. Murray, Oh yes! On Point L. Murray, Oh yes! On point L. Murray, Oh yes—well grab the microphone and proceed to bless……

It was back in the days on the soil of L.A. I would play in the alley till the dogs chased me away, It was I, Reggie, and Anthony too, we would hang hard looking for something to do. Backyard basketball surviving the heat; not heat from the sun, but heat from the street, parents were strict never taking no mess, my father was real he stayed in my chest.

On point L. Murray, Oh yes! On Point L. Murray, Oh yes! On point L. Murray, Oh yes!--well grab the microphone again and continue to bless……

Growing up in the hood, but raised in the church. Christ was presented and that started my search. Going to service weekly, not connected to the Spirit—baptized in water, but devoid of true Spirit. Sitting in worship on Sunday but didn’t wanna hear it. Knew I had to change but only would fear it. Preacher Hogan speaking, Bro Andrew Tony teaching, Elders and Deacons were reaching, too caught up I was creeping, now in my 40’s these words are seeping, disciplined by God, the saints call it reaping.

On point L. Murray, Oh yes! On point L. Murray, Oh Yes! On Point, L. Murray, Oh Yes!—then grab the microphone and get it off your chest…

I remember being enamored by passages of scripture, they would hit ya-rip ya, I mean really convict ya. Hebrews about better things, Matthew when the Son of God sings, Pastoral epistles ring- Ephesians encourages me to sing. Moses leading the people as far as he could, Joshua following Moses like a good man should- John preparing the way in the wilderness similar to the hood, Now Jesus lives forever and now its all good. The Gospel is to be conveyed, the god of this world is afraid, be like Stephen he stayed, stones hitting his body violent rage.
There’s one more verse to the rhyme please check it. I share this truth because this generation may miss it, I keep on going and flowing like a river, little at a time you see I must gave a, closing truth to the youth they’re obtuse, not pointed, sometimes wandering totally disjointed- Please young folk obey this simple truth-----REMEMBER YOUR CREATOR IN THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH!
Just showing my teen daughters that dad can still get loose!
Dr. Lmurrays mind---

Friday, September 10, 2010

Has Your Heart Ever Burned?

Has Your Heart Ever Burned?
Luke 24:27-32
Luke 24:27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
Luke 24:28 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.
Luke 24:29 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.
Luke 24:30 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.
Luke 24:31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.
Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
Luke 24:33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

One in 10 Americans experiences heartburn symptoms at least once a week. Heartburn has different triggers, including certain foods, medications, obesity, or even stress. Knowing your triggers will help you design a prevention strategy. If you suffer from heartburn it’s important to find effective heartburn remedies to prevent the acid reflux from worsening. Heartburn treatment may include medications, home remedies, or diet changes. However, I need to immediately clarify that I’m not referring to heartburn as a result of foods and medication. Interestingly, as I write this blog, San Bruno, Ca is on fire; several resident are heart-broken as they watch their neighborhood burn. Some have gone through the catastrophic calamity of having their heart burned by a significant other. The uncomfortable agony of heartburn makes a person vow never to touch or allow food that would trigger the acid reflux response.

In the text Luke the physician, shows what’s its like to have heart burn after an explanation of the word. These two men on the Emmaus road were formerly despondent and disillusioned over the tragic events that transpired; you know the death & burial of Jesus. However, they were unsure of the resurrection at this point; but much to their surprise the resurrected one will be walking side by side with them. Jesus was an expositor, because beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. You see, he expounded, exposed, and explained the word concerning himself. There was literally a systematic explanation of the word of God. It is my belief that Gods people need the word to be exposed. Have you ever left worship or preaching services saying, “wow my heart is burning over that word!” Someone has wisely said, “Preach from the burning, and not the learning.” The brothers in Luke were so enamored by how Jesus explained the word that they went back to Jerusalem and joined the other disciples. The heartburn they had was from a fresh word from Jesus…

Has your heart ever burned?
DrLmurray’s Mind----

Friday, August 20, 2010


These thoughts were penned on this winter evening in 09.

Lawrence Murray Ph.D.

It was the whispers who invigorated dancing energy when they came out with their rendition of rock steady; it was a tempo of a song that made one bounce and at the same time reflect on days gone by. Who could forget the tantalizing lyrics:

I looked at you; you stole my heart you were all that I anticipated
I wanted you -- Every part but I knew that love would be complicated
I began to touch -- But you wouldn’t let it; it never seemed to be the right time ---I started to give up -- down to the limit
And then you changed your mind
And we begin to rock steady
Steady rocking all night long
And we begin to rock steady
Rocking till the break of dawn…(Whispers)

I think you get the picture. I’m not advocating one to loosely engage in the rocking that can be categorized along with sensuality and debauchery. Nor am I parading secular songs as to disrespect sacred scripture. Conversely, I believe that teaching moments are subtle and simple and sometimes can come even from a group like the Whispers. We all know what the song group was alluding to, and what the pop artist was longing for.

However, I do see the same longing that Jesus has for us when he says, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matt. 11:28). It seems as if he essentially says Rock Steady with me. Jesus was right on the brink of his public ministry; earlier he appreciated and lauded John the Baptist for his ministry of preparation. Then we see Him upbraiding unrepentant cities like Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum; telling them than Tyre and Sidon would have repented a long time ago. These people in these cities just refused to accept the Messiah. They wanted to Rock steady by the beat of their own drum. So we get a chance to hear Jesus talking real talk! He seems to get a strong sense that the people are tired of rocking in the easy chair of Chorazin’s traditions; or basking in the bakery of Bethsaida’s dead fish religion, and consistently being Crushed by Capernaum’s conceit. So after reminding them of their tight religious dogmatic approach to God, Jesus reveals the Father in a fresh and at that time, new and living way.

So Jesus says, “Come unto ME- The only way you’re going to be steady in life, is if you go to the Rock of ages. Jesus said, “Come!” Stop hanging around in shallow biblical study; refuse to place your theological foundation in a father in the gospel theology. Respect the father’s who taught us, Yes! In many cases brought us! However, more respect to the Father of lights as the Holy Spirit enlightens our minds through study.

So come, even when its uncomfortable; come, even when the temptation to go along with hometown theology is upon you; come, when the dead hands brotherhood acceptance threatens to squelch your voice; come closer to Jesus even when other saints don’t want to grow. These people were labored down by crusty cold religious ritual; these people were laden with the heavy burdens of the religious tasks-masters.

Through it all, Jesus offers a unique relationship in which you can rock with him. Taking His yoke is hooking up with him; and his movement becomes your movement. Learning His ways as you rock steady with Him. As you rock with Him, you’ll notice that He rocks with a sense of meekness and lowliness of heart. Even your soul finds a rest unknown to man
I’m afraid that if you just rock steady like the whispers, sensually. You will never experience the exhilaration from rocking with the Lord, spiritually. Jesus promises that yoking with Him is easy and burden free.

Dr. LMurray’s Mind-

Thursday, August 19, 2010


My daughters with their friends from Los Angeles

Lawrence Murray Ph.D.

I call this Daddy’s girls because like our President and other men with daughters; we are smitten by our girls. However, every Father knows the pride and passion of seeing your children grow up and take on new challenges in the world. Every man who holds the Daddy title feels the impact of his title when his children call him, “Daddy!” I remember my internship days in Los Angeles at Children’s Institute International; I can recall participating with a component of that institute called “Project Fatherhood,” Dr. Swinger and several others wisely dealt with the multi-layered issues that men face when attempting to connect with their children. I am a proud father to two beautiful daughters and my goal/prayer in life is to see my children’s, children’s, children…Well the fact of the matter is, I love my girls! Affectionately called, “Daddy’s Girls.”

Recently I read an article that attempted to describe exactly what it means to be a Daddy’s girl. I found that quite comical because if you ask each father with daughters, they would have a different interpretation of how they would codify the phrase, “Daddy’s girl.”

Interestingly, Daddy's girl is a phrase that can be interpreted in two ways. First, a daddy's girl can be the result of the way in which a man dotes on his daughter, coddling and protecting her and giving her whatever she wants. A daddy's girl knows that she is her father’s life and often takes advantage of the fact that he can’t stand to see her cry. A daddy's girl can never do anything wrong and is as innocent as the day is long.

Because a daddy's girl is the light of her father’s life, she may be under lock and key. In fact a daddy's girl may proudly - or not - declare that she is owned by her father. A father might try to shelter his daughter from all the unsavory aspects of life, preventing her from developing her independence.

Now for the record, I hope I never communicate to my daughters that I own them; but I do have a strong sense of responsibility for steering them in positive directions for future vitality. Yes, these little ladies got me hooked in the nose, but like anything they must grow……No matter how old, they will still be…DADDY’S GIRLS!

Dr. LMurray’s Mind-

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Thoughts while overlooking the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.......

Dr. Lawrence Murray

In the 1970’s Al Green penned a song that still reverberates in some circles; it’s entitled: For The Good Times. The lyrics to this song show how he still yearns for the good times of this relationship. Now apparently she’s leaving him but he attempts to woo her back into their usual comfort zone so Al says,

“Lay your head on my pillow
Hold your warm and tender body close to mine
Hear the whisper of the raindrops
Blow softly against my window pain late at night

Make believe you love me one more time
For the good times
For the good times
I'll get along I'm sure you’ll find another
But baby please remember I'll be here
I'm gone stay right here if you should ever find that you need me
Don't say a word about tomorrow forever and ever and ever
There will be time enough for severance when you need me”

Now if this is the only frame of reference of good times then how do I expect to make it through bad times? As a matter of fact, we could carefully catalogue and chronicle many places, pleasures and pursuits that promise you a good time. You could visit Red Letter Days and experience what its like to ride on a hovercraft at top speed; you can be adventurous and take an African safari; you can visit the Vatican and experience the rich history of Rome and Catholicism. A good time can be financial stability or emotional tranquility. For some a good time is family and faith; others may just relax. Whatever you deem as a good time is really a personal preference. However, our thought is simply, What about when times are just plain bad?
Check this out! Gods people In 2 Kings 7 were in some tough, tight, and treacherous times. Interestingly, that Old Testament passage reminds us of how some people respond in bad times. Maybe this will help you as you bear up for the BAD TIMES!

SOME PEOPLE JUST BLAME OTHERS—If you remember, Ahab blamed Elijah for his bad times, You can read it in 1st Kings 18:17 & 2 Kings 6:31 that King Joram was having a bad time and blamed Elisha for the plight of the city. It was Joram’s fault; that text says that he tore his clothes and wore sackcloth and ashes. The truth of the matter is that his heart was cold and God is not impressed with that kind of stuff. Some maybe when bad times come my way I should not look at other people and shift the blame.

SOME PEOPLE JUST DOUBT GOD-just about one verse down you begin seeing the dynamics of what happens when you don’t have adequate trust in God. The officer in the text in verses one and two did not believe the word of God; unfortunately that same unbelief caused his death. Notice,
2Kings 7:17 And the king appointed the lord on whose hand he leaned to have the charge of the gate: and the people trode upon him in the gate, and he died, as the man of God had said, who spake when the king came down to him.
2Kings 7:18 And it came to pass as the man of God had spoken to the king, saying, Two measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour for a shekel, shall be to morrow about this time in the gate of Samaria:
2Kings 7:19 And that lord answered the man of God, and said, Now, behold, if the LORD should make windows in heaven, might such a thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.
2Kings 7:20 And so it fell out unto him: for the people trode upon him in the gate, and he died.
Just understand that God will open the windows when we obey Him. So, when the bad times come and push you beyond the brink, please, keep your anchor positioned upward where Christ is seated at the right-hand of God.

SOME PEOPLE ENGAGE IN CRITICAL THINKING-Those four lepers who I think were never cleansed were very logical in their thinking. “Why sit we here until we die? They said! “If we give up we die, if we give in to the enemy we die, or we may live. Let’s just surrender to the enemy.” But hold on reader, don’t get nervous, there was no enemy, You see God scattered them earlier with a noise! I wish somebody reading this would understand that when you have bad times, sometimes you have nothing to lose…. You may need to just get up open the shades and start your day cause you have nothing to lose; you should just stop having a pity party about all your pressures, problems, and purveyors and just engage in critical thinking about your next positive move. These men in the text out of a colony of lepers in bad times refused to just sit dangling in that condition.

SOME PEOPLE DON’T MIND SHARING RESOURCES DURING BAD TIMES-The one thing I like about how chapter seven of Kings closes, those lepers moved all the way from giving up and giving in to giving out. They shared the good news of all that they found in the enemy camp. These men even helped to save their city. So what should you do when you are thrust into bad times? Well, DO NOT GIVE IN OR UP, JUST KEEP ON GIVING OUT!

You can’t beat God giving, no matter how hard you try!

Drlmurray’s Mind!

Friday, August 13, 2010


There are times when the four of us are eating together and Whitney or Hannah says, "Daddy, can I pray?" Since I'm liberated from the tyranny of women usurping authority over the man and all of that stuff, I enthusiastically say, "Of Course!" I've noticed something noteworthy when both of them pray; they seem to mention things that are usual like thank you for the food; thank you for know, the appreciation of life and the here and now. However, They never fail to mention, thank you for Mom & Dad! For some reason, that statement strikes a nerve with me. I'm moved by that refrain because it gets to the core of all that matters. The joy of just being together; the warmth of a praying family.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


The man in the picture is my father James D. Murray! (may he rest until resurrection) A HARD WORKING PILLAR IN MY LIFE!

I don't know how this thought came to me, but as I reflect on the biblical text and how the Holy Spirit encourages us through the word. I immediately began thinking of the current state of our world and how many people are right on the brink of giving up and dropping out. Well, sometimes we just need to sit and listen to those who serve as human pillars in life. A pillar is something stationed, i.e. a column or (memorial stone); by analogy, an idol:—garrison, (standing) image, pillar. There is a passage of scripture tucked away in the book of Exodus. Now the thrust of this writing is not to be exegetical and homiletical. Rather, It is a challenge to dig in and not give up. Interestingly, the bible says in Ex. 24:4, And Moses wrote all the words of the LORD, and rose up early in the morning, and builded an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel.

The thought of pillars in that biblical text fascinates me because when we think of how human beings; mentors, great leaders, scholars, poets, educators, and many others can say things that inspire and transform. Sometimes, listening to others can serve as a garrison or pillar in tough times. Everyone needs that image or that standing idol that points to a brighter day. Listen to:













I pray that the horrors of life will not tear down the reader of this blog; sometimes, it just pays to listen to the Pillars in life. However, if you are a child of God, then Paul offers a pillar when he says, "BUT IF WE HOPE FOR THAT WHICH WE SEE NOT THEN DO WE WITH PATIENCE WAIT FOR IT.



Dr. Lmurray's Mind......

Monday, August 2, 2010


Ephesians 5:18

They tell me it is rude and impolite to ask people personal questions, especially people you don't know real well. You don't ask a man how much money he makes. I go into a hospital and someone is ill and has had surgery, I do not pry and ask personal questions about the nature of their illness. If they want to tell me they can. But...I want to be rude and impolite for just a moment and ask each one of you a very personal question and I want you to answer it...not out loud or with an uplifted hand, but answer it in your own heart. "Is the Holy Spirit filling you right this very moment?"

Now there are three possible answers you can give to that question. One, you can say, "Yes, praise God, I know the Holy Spirit is filling me right now." You might have to answer, "No, He isn't." And there is a third possible answer. You may say," I am not certain what you mean by the filling of the Holy Spirit. I don't know if I am filled with the Holy Spirit or not." I pray by God's illumination that before we are through you will be able to answer that question honestly, clearly, certainly. I think next to the question, "Do you know Jesus?" this is the most important question anybody will ever ask you. "Is the Spirit of God, without any shadow of doubt, filling you right now?"

There is some misunderstanding about the filling of the Holy Spirit, but as I mentioned earlier I think one of the greatest truths in all the word of God is that when I became a Christian the spirit of God came to permanently indwell me to make His home in me. Now being filled with the spirit of God is NOT having more of the Holy Spirit than you have now. I've often in times past used that illustration of an empty glass with a little bit of water in it and I've said that the water represents the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit means that I pour more water until that glass is filled. That is not a scriptural illustration. Because when you were saved God gave you the whole Holy Spirit and I think one of the grandest truths of all is that I have ALL of God dwelling in me right now. There is not just a little bit of God in me and a little bit of God in you and a little bit of God in God kind of spread Himself thin and passed Himself out to all of us. I have all of God in me and you have al l of God in you. When the spirit of God came to indwell you, the whole spirit of God came to indwell you and it takes that to save you. A half of God in you could not save you. That little daisy growing out there needs the whole sun to keep it alive. You say, well such a little flower doesn't need all that sun, all that light, but if you were to subtract half of that sun that little flower would die. It takes the whole power of the whole sun to keep one little blade of grass alive. It takes the whole God, all of God there is in you to save you and to sustain you. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not having more of the Holy Spirit than you had before.

Paul commands us in Eph. 5:18, "And be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit." What is the filling of the Holy Spirit?

1. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a Command of God. You know that the verb, "be filled" is in the imperative mood. It is a command, not a suggestion. It is not a wish, but an undeniable and unalterable command of God. "BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT". And it is in the plural. He is not talking to super-saints. The filling of the Holy Spirit isn't for the hierarchy of Heaven. It is not for the elite of the elect. It is not just for preachers and evangelists. It is for EVERYONE, and God commands every person who is saved to the filled with the Holy Spirit. The first thing we need to understand is that this filling is not an optional item. It is not luxury equipment in the Christian life. It is standard equipment in every Christian's life if he is to be effective and to bring honor and glory to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If it is a command for me to be filled with the spirit, then if I am not filled with the spirit, I am living in sin. Did you know that it is a sin for you not to be filled with the Holy Spirit? We need to be convinced of this and we need to be convicted of it. I think a great many people in our churches think that it would be nice if they could be filled with the spirit and they would love to be filled with the Spirit, but it is not absolutely necessary and I doubt if very many people are convinced and convicted that not to be filled with the Spirit is a sin against God. But it is. It is just as much a sin against God not to be filled with the Spirit as it is to be drunk with wine. Now I don't know any other way to read that 18th verse than that way.

There are two commands in that verse. One is a negative command and the other is a positive command. The same God made both commands. The same spirit inspired both commands. It is a sin not to obey the command of God. With one breath Paul said, "Don't be drunk with wine," with another breath he says, on the contrary and in contrast to that, "Be filled with the Holy Spirit of God."

What do you do when you ordain deacons in your church? You bring them together and question them. You have got to make certain that these men fulfill the scriptural you tithe, do you drink wine, are you the husband of one wife? Do you know that according to Acts 6 it is just as much a qualification for a man to be set apart for service to be filled with the spirit of God as it is for him to give out of his prosperity? Actually, it is more of a qualification because the bible never tells a deacon that he has to give. You will never find that as a qualification for a deacon. Every Christian ought to, but it is not listed in the qualification. The next time you have a deacon ordination and you begin to select men, you stick to the word of God and bring the level of your experience up to the standard of the word of God and demand that no man be ordained unless he knows that the spirit of God is filling him with the spirit, because as we have already said, the ability of serving in the church has nothing to do with your natural talent or your native ability. The one reason that we have so many problems in our church is that we have ordained men to the ministry as well as to the deaconship or eldership who have not been and are not being filled with the Holy Spirit of God. It is a command to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God and if you are not being filled right now you are living in sin and disobedience to God.

Why does God command it? We are going to look at some verses and we are going to see that there are many reasons but primarily there are two reasons why God commands us to be filled with the spirit.

(a) First of all, it is necessary for purity of life. Galatians 5:16 says, "This I say then, walk in the spirit and ye shall not the fulfill the lusts of the flesh." Now he goes on to point out that every Christian has something inside him that the bible calls the "flesh" and he also has something inside him called the "Holy Spirit" and these two are opposed one to the other. In other words, the flesh is drawing us one way...that is the old self...that ego...the big "I", my old unredeemed, unregenerated nature is still there. You know I discovered something about that old nature and that's that when God saved me He didn't change that old nature. God didn't convert that old nature. It is a terminal illness and it cannot be saved and I discovered that the reason I failed so much in my Christian life is that I kept trying to control and improve and sophisticate and to christianize the old flesh and the old nature and I've been trying to fight it. You cannot do it. You are no better now than you were when you were saved. I don't care if you have been saved 20 years, you are absolutely no better now than you were when you were saved.

The only good thing in you, the only thing that is different about you is that Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit is indwelling you and if He were to remove Himself from you, you would immediately revert back to your pre-conversion state. You haven't changed one bit! You are no better than you've ever been. God doesn't try to convert that old nature. He crucifies it. But it is still there, alive and active and it will do anything and it is a very powerful force. Every time you want to serve God, that flesh, the old nature, that ego is there saying, "Don't be a fanatic, don't overdo it, let somebody else do it." Every time you try to serve God, try to pray, try to read the bible, try to please God, the flesh is there asserting itself overpowering you. You have the flesh dwelling in you.

Now the works of the flesh are obvious he says and he gives a whole list of them there in verses 19 and 20. They are not just these big gross sins that we call the works of the flesh but they have to do with your attitude, bitterness, an unforgiving spirit...all of these are there.

But you also have someone else dwelling in you that the bible calls the Holy Spirit of God. You have three enemies in your Christian life: the devil, the world and the flesh. The devil is the tempter, the world is the temptation and the flesh is the tempted. The devil stands on the outside holding up the world and appeals to the flesh within you saying, "Look here what I've got". James 1 says that a man sins when he is "led away of his own desire." That old sinful desire, that old unchanged nature that the bible calls the flesh is in you. It looks and sees what the devil is offering, the world, and it reaches out and takes it.

You have three enemies. Two of them are on the outside: the devil and the world. The only enemy that you have on the inside is the flesh...the old nature. The only way that the devil and the world can get into your life is if the flesh opens the door and let's them in. The only part of us that the devil and the world can appeal to is that old nature. Every sin is an inside job because that flesh, that old nature, that old unchanged desire within you sees what the devil has, sees what the world has, opens the door and allows them to come in. Now, I don't have to worry about the devil. I don't have to worry about the world if I can somehow reinforce this harbor, if I can somehow build a hedge around the flesh, if I can somehow make my flesh inaccessible to Satan and the world, I am all right. The only way the world and the devil can get into me is through the flesh. That is his beachhead. That is my vulnerable spot. That is the only spot the devil can reach me at. Every time he appeals to me, it is through that old lower nature...the same with the world. So, my problem is the flesh, the old nature, the big "I", my ego, self and if I can somehow reinforce that and get victory over that then victory over Satan and the world will follow.

Paul tells us, "This I say then, walk in the spirit and you shall not, (by no means, bad grammar but great theology) fulfill the lusts of the flesh." Do you believe that? It is walking in the spirit, living in the spirit, it is the power of the Holy Spirit controlling me and filling me that conquers the flesh in my life. I want you to notice who fights the flesh here. Most of us have been fighting the flesh, educating the flesh, taking study courses, making rules and regulations, trying somehow to buffet the flesh. We miss it every time. Notice who fights the flesh...the Holy Spirit. I don't have anything to do with the flesh. If I try to fight the flesh, he will overpower me. The spirit of God fights the flesh. I step out of the way, take myself out of the picture...that is reckoning yourself to be dead...allow the Holy Spirit to take over, and He fights the flesh and He overcomes every time. But I tell you it is a fixed fight! Because I decide who wins. Every time the flesh and the spirit get in the ring together, I pick the winner. I have the terrible and awesome responsibility of saying the flesh is going to win in this particular situation...I can yield to the flesh and he will win because the spirit of God will never force Himself on you. Or, I can say I am going to yield to the Holy Spirit and when I do that I untie the hands of the Holy Spirit and I loose Him and let Him go and He defeats the flesh.

What we have been trying to do is overcome the flesh in the energy of the flesh. Now that is ridiculous. Jesus says, "Can a Kingdom divided against itself stand?" Of course not, the flesh isn't going to oppose the flesh. You know when I was saved, somebody said, "Now Murray, the next thing you do is to go out and do your best for Jesus." We stand up and sing, "Hear ye the Master's call, give me your best." I want you to notice how beautiful this is. The Holy Spirit fights the flesh and if I walk in the spirit (if I let my daily life be controlled and ordered by the Holy Spirit) I will not by any means fulfill the desires of the flesh.

Look in verse 22. "But the fruit of the spirit is love". Do you agree with me that Paul is picturing the Holy Spirit planted as a tree planted within the Christian? Right? The Holy Spirit who dwells within us will produce fruit. So, the picture is a tree planted within the Christian and this tree wants to produce fruit of love, joy and peace but I've got a lot of dead leaves of fornication, uncleanness, idolatry, hatred and envy. How can I get rid of the old dead works of leaves and spoiled fruit and how can I have the blessed fruits of the Holy Spirit produced in me? Well, I discovered something. I discovered that dead leaves don't fall off trees. I always thought they did. Come autumn the leaves turn, they die, they fall off the tree. No, they don't fall off the tree. You go out here and you cut a branch off a tree and let it fall down on the ground and let it lay there beside that living tree. Now, as the seasons pass, the leaves will turn brown and on that living tree, those leaves will begin to fall off. But you look at that branch on the ground. Unless you pull them off or knock them off, they are still there. They don't fall off. Do you know what happens to dead leaves? They are pushed the sap as the life flows through the branches it pushes out those dead leaves to make room for the fruit and the leaves. Listen, here is what some of us have been trying to do in our Christian life. We have been going around pulling off dead leaves. We have been saying, "I've got to get rid of this dead leaf of bad habit, this dead leaf of filthy language, I've got to get rid of this dead leaf of an impure mind." We have been going around pulling off these dead leaves. That is not the way to do it. No, it is so simple. All I have to do is to yield myself to the Holy Spirit and allow him to flow through me and to fill me and to allow Him to fill me with the fullness of Christ and as the life of Jesus and the power of the Spirit flows through me, it just pushes off those dead leaves. They just fall off, pushed out by the power of the Holy Spirit. What we have been doing is focusing all our attention on our failure. That is a trick of the devil. You focus your attention on your weakness and your failure and you'll go on that way. You forget about your failure. Don't look at your sins and forget about your sins and forget about your habits and you focus your attention upon Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and as He fills you and flows through you, HE WILL PUSH OFF ALL THOSE DEAD LEAVES. You won't have to worry about that any more.

I read over in John, chapter 15 that "I am the vine, ye are the branches. My Father is the husbandman and he will do the pruning." Oh, I thought I was supposed to do the pruning. All my life I have been going around with pruning shears trying to clip off the bad things in my life. All of a sudden I realize that the father is the husbandman and He will do that. You need to be filled with the spirit for purity of life. You've been trying to overcome habits and weaknesses and you'll never do it. Let the spirit of God fill you and as he produces love, joy and peace in you, He will just naturally push off those old dead leaves.

(b) It is necessary for power in service. I love old Elijah. I identify with him for one reason. He was on Mt. Carmel. He brought one of the best sermons I have ever was eloquent, powerfully delivered and when he finished the bible says, "The people answered him not a word." I've been in that service, haven't you? I've preached there many a time. You just preach your heart out the best you know how and they just look at you. Nobody says "Praise the Lord," nobody gets saved, nobody gets mad, nobody glad, nobody sad...nothing. When Elijah preached with fervor, they answered him not a word. But, when the fire fell the people fell on their faces and said, "The Lord He is God, The Lord He is God." Elijah had been trying to get them to say that all along, but they wouldn't do it until the fire fell. You must be filled with the spirit to have power in service.

We are always interested in how we can have more people saved in our churches and how we can have more baptisms every year. Well, right here Jesus tells us, but I have never heard anybody use this as a method of evangelism. Jesus said in John 15, "I am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, He taketh away, and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit." Isn't that what we want? More baptisms, more people saved. All right, how do you do that? "He purgeth the branches that they may bring forth more fruit." Now look in verse 4, "Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine, no more can ye except ye abide in Me. I am the Vine, Ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me ye can do nothing." And He goes on to say in verse 8, "Herein is my Father glorified that you bear much fruit." He is not glorified just with fruit or more fruit. He is glorified with MUCH fruit.

A man has a vineyard. Is he honored, is he glorified if his vines produce fruit or a little bit of fruit? No, he is not satisfied, he is not glorified until every branch is bearing fruit, until every vine is producing. He is glorified when that vine produces MUCH fruit. Well, how are you going to produce MUCH fruit? Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches, abide in Me and you will bring forth much fruit." Here is the relationship that the Christian has with Jesus. Jesus is the vine. I am just the branch. Did you know that the branch doesn't produce fruit? The branch simply bears the fruit. The fruit is produced by the vine. The life flowing through the vine. The branch is just a rack to hang grapes on. That is all the branch is for. It must be there so that it can bear fruit. It never produces it. It cannot produce fruit. You and I cannot produce fruit. Jesus said all I want you to be is a branch. Just make yourself available by abiding in me. Now, where is the responsibility of fruit-bearing? On the branch? NO, on the VINE. Where is the responsibility of fruit-bearing in my life? On me? I used to think so and I worked myself to death and worried that I hadn't done enough until I discovered that the responsibility for fruitfulness is not on me. It is on Jesus. He is the vine. All he asks of me is to be a branch. What does a branch do all day long? It abides in the vine. It lets the life of Jesus flow through him and the life of Jesus as it reaches through me touches the lives of others and transforms them.

How are we going to have more fruit? How are we going to have more baptisms? Let's organize a new committee and organize a new program because the baptisms are down in the church. Let's go hear this man since he baptized so many last year. Maybe he has some secret formula or method. I want us to look at the method of Jesus. "I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him bringeth forth MUCH fruit. Just abide in Jesus, getting closer to Jesus and as I abide in Him and let His word abide in me as more and more of the spirit of God flows through me, there will be more fruit. If I want to see more people saved in my church, the thing for me to do is to make sure my people are in Jesus more than they have even been and the fruit will come from the Lord.

I remember a fellow minister-friend was preparing to preach on how to learn to love the lost at an Evangelism Conference. He said, “is there an actual text for learning to love the lost?” We thought that would be easy. We found a lot of verses that told us why we ought to love the lost. We found a lot of verses that showed us what would happen if we did love the lost but we could not find one verse of scripture that told us HOW to love the lost. That is why a lot of people don't witness. They say I just don't love the lost and they pray, "Lord, give me a love for lost people". And then the Lord showed me over in know when Jesus had his little breakfast talk with Simon Peter...Simon Peter comes and sits down and Jesus says, "Simon, do you love me?" Peter said, "Lord, you know I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep." He asked him a second time, "Simon, do you love me?" Peter said, "Jesus, you know I love you." Jesus said, "Simon, feed my sheep." He asked him a third time, "Simon, do you really like me?" Simon said, "Lord, you know I do." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep." Did you know that Jesus never one time asked him if he loved sheep? I can just imagine Simon Peter...Jesus says, "Simon, feed my sheep." Oh, Lord, I don't like sheep. I didn't ask you that. I asked you if you loved ME. I don't care if you love sheep or not. If you love me, feed my sheep. All of a sudden I realized that the way to learn to love lost people is to love Jesus. That is the motive.

I want to tell you that the most useless preaching I've ever done in my life is as I've stood on Sunday morning and on Sunday night and told my people that you had better win need to win souls (I’m doing it right now)...they knew that. They wanted to. They were scared to death. They lacked motive, they lacked power. Nearly every christian has a guilt complex because he doesn't win souls and he knows he ought to. The preacher gets up on Sunday morning and adds to that guilt complex and intensifies it by saying that you ought to witness and win souls. They know that! I believe most people want to but don't know how. And one day God showed me what it is all about. He said, you can't get them to win souls. You get them to LOVE ME and me be Lord and let the Spirit of God fill them, I will take care of all that other stuff. And when our people began to love Jesus and began to enthrone Jesus as the Lord of their Life and they began to appropriate the fullness of the Holy Spirit, they went out everywhere witnessing and sharing Jesus Christ. That is the answer. That is the key right there. You must be filled with the Holy Spirit for power in service because one of these days we are all going to stand before the Lord at the Judgment seat and he is going to give us a reward or loss of rewards according as what our works shall be. Paul says in I Cor. 3, "The Lord shall try every man's work of what sort it is"...not what size it is. The judgment seat of Christ is concerned with quality, not quantity.

There are two kinds of work he describes in that passage. One is that which is wood, hay and stubble and the other is that which is precious gems and gold and silver. Those are the only two sorts of works and every man builds on the foundation of his salvation a superstructure of Christian living made out of either wood, hay and stubble or precious stones, gold and silver.

There are only two kinds of good: human good and divine good, right? God rejects all human good. There are only two kinds of energy...the energy of the flesh and the energy of the spirit. God rejects the energy of the flesh. Everything that I do in the energy of the flesh or in other words, everything that I do without the fullness of the spirit constitutes wood, hay and stubble. I go to that Judgment Seat...we all go together and I look over there I see a big ole stack of works with my name on them. I can hardly wait until I stand up before he Lord and he rewards me for that...look what I have done. Look how many I baptized. Is that yours over there? Well, that's all right. You made it to heaven anyway. It is kind of small. Yeah, I believe I see it. There it is. Your nametag is bigger than your pile of works. The Lord reads my name and the closer I get to that huge stack of works I become aware of something. I stand there and it is wood, hay and stubble and the Lord Jesus Christ strikes a match, sets fire to it and says, "Let's just see if you lived in the spirit or in the flesh. Let's see if you preached, witnessed, sang and taught for my glory or your ego." He touches the fire to it and whoosh...gone. He comes over here to this other fellow and his little pile of gold, silver and precious stones and says, "Let's test yours," and strikes a match. It doesn't hurt because that is the way you make gold, silver and precious stones...with fire.

I want you to know that it is highly possible that a man can live all his life as a minister of the gospel or a deacon and work and work and work and stand before Jesus at the Judgment Seat of Christ and have his entire life of Christian service lost. I believe that with all of my heart. The key is not building bigger churches because sometimes you are just building bigger haystacks, that's all. It has got to be done in the power of the spirit if it is going to stand the test and I want to know if you were to stand before Jesus and he were to test your life, has your life been lived in the fullness of the spirit or in the energy of the flesh? If it has been lived in the energy of the flesh, it is going to be wasted and it will go up in smoke and you shall be saved "so as by fire." You will be like a man awakened in the middle of the night and they say, "Your house is on fire, run for your life" and you get out and all you escape with is just the sheet wrapped around your body and you look back and your whole life's savings, your work, your possessions, everything goes up in smoke. It is a very solemn truth that a man's entire ministry, a Christian's entire life of service can be lost at the judgment seat of Christ unless it is done in the fullness of the spirit.

2. It is a command to be controlled by the spirit. Let the spirit of God fill you. That is a passive verb and the New English Bible translates it properly. "Let the Holy Spirit fill you." You see that puts the reluctance on our part, not on His part. Some of you have never been filled with the Holy Spirit because you think God is reluctant to fill you and you beg Him and plead with Him and you hope that someday you will grow up into the filling of the Holy Spirit. You DO NOT grow up into the filling of the spirit, you grow FROM the filling of the Holy Spirit. There is no spiritual growth until you are filled with the spirit. You may grow in knowledge and may grow in church membership and church activity, but spiritual growth comes only after the filling of the Holy Spirit. You do not grow TOWARDS the filling of the Holy Spirit. You appropriate the filing of the Holy Spirit and then you grow FROM it.

What does it mean to be filled? It means to be controlled. One man translates this "to be possessed completely of the Spirit." And we get the idea from wine. When a man is drunk with wine he is controlled by that wine and to be filled with the spirit is to have the Holy Spirit controlling you. You say, "I would love to be filled with the spirit." Would you? Would you really like to have a person controlling you that would not tolerate any self-centeredness in your life? Do you mean that you really want to be controlled by a person who will not tolerate any thinking of self? Do you really want to be controlled by a person who will not tolerate any enmity or jealousy? You mean you really want to be controlled by a person who is going to demand that you recognize you have no rights of your own, you are nothing but a slave? Do you really want to be controlled today by a person who is going to demand absolute holiness of life and not tolerate anything less? To be controlled by the Holy Spirit involves two things.

(a) One, of course, is saying "no" to self. There can only be one operator of the Christian life, either self or the spirit and the first thing I have to do is to recognize that I am not my own, I am bought with a price and I dethrone "self." That is just a negative.

(b) Two, I must enthrone Jesus as Lord of my life.

Do you know what that is? It is the first thing mentioned in the fruit of the spirit. What happened was that I made Jesus Lord after the Holy Spirit had awakened me to my need, He has to do that, just saying it doesn't make it so. The Holy Spirit must reveal to you the need and awaken you to the need, when I made Jesus Lord and was baptized, the Holy Spirit filled me. It has made all the difference in my life. It has made all the difference in my ministry. It has made all the difference in my home. I discovered that you can't fulfill Eph. 5:21-13 about wives submitting yourselves to your husbands and husbands loving your wives until you are filled with the spirit. That follows verse 18, did you know? That is a result of being filled with the spirit. We had a new home. I had a new church. The church had a new preacher. I had a new Jesus, a new Lord. All things were new!

3. To be filled with the spirit is a command to be continually controlled. That verse literally reads "and be ye being filled with the spirit." It is not a roller-coaster type of existence. I am not talking about a little inspiration now and then. I am not talking a little holy kick once in a while. I am talking about a daily walk, a daily abiding in Jesus, continually filled with the spirit. That is why I phrased the question, not "has the Holy Spirit filled you," but "at this moment is the Holy Spirit filling you?" Is he at this moment controlling you? Is he? I have discovered in my own life that there are two ways to continue to be filled with the Spirit.

(a) One is instant confession of sin. The moment I become aware of sin to instantly confess it.

(b) Secondly, by immediate obedience. The moment the spirit of God impresses me to witness, speak, pray or whatever, immediate obedience. It is a continual filling of the spirit of God.

Let me ask the question again. "Is the Holy Spirit of God filling you right now?" Is He? By that I mean is the spirit of God in absolutely sovereign control of you right now. If he is not in control, if there is any unconfessed sin, any disobedience, if you know of a command in this bible that you are deliberately disobeying, He is not in control. If there is unforgiveness, if there is any sin at all, the spirit of God is not in control.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010



Please note: At the time of writing this blog, the blogger is supposed to be writing on Dehumanization. The research bored me so here is a frustrated writers blog…

This particular blog will be quite interesting because over my five years of teaching general psychology among a few other courses; the question always arises from one of the students. “Dr. Murray, what motivated you to study psychology?” Since I never gave those precious students an in-depth and precise answer, I thought I would blow-off some time and blog my answer. As I ponder the question, it would be a great question for someone who is seriously considering Psychology; whether clinical psychology, counseling psychology, educational psychology, industrial/ organizational psychology; there are others.

For those of you who would like to study or major in psychology, I thought I would post some things that may be helpful. I’m quite sure if other psychology professors compiled a list it would read differently. Of course every individual must make up his or her own choice when it comes to specializing in areas of pedagogy. However, the main reason why I wanted to study psychology was due to the notion of Sensation & Perception- the basic definition of Sensation is the detection of physical energy emitted or reflected by physical objects whereas Perception is the process by which the brain organizes and interprets sensory information. It has always been interesting how we as humans interpret the environmental and socio-cultural cues that are given within society. Plus how we detect and receive physical stimuli is equally fascinating. For example, •Specific nerve energies -Different sensory modalities exist because signals received by the sense organs stimulate different nerve pathways leading to different areas of the brain. The behavior and mental processes of human beings are predominately attached to sensation and perception and the way that we connect to this physical environment and how we perceive information.

I can just include visual objects and how we perceive them. Typically called •Visual constancies - The accurate perception of objects as stable or unchanged despite changes in the sensory patterns they produce:
Shape constancy
Location constancy
Size constancy
Brightness constancy
Color constancy
This all matters when we are considering depth and distance. I know what you’re thinking, why share stuff like this? Well the fact of the matter is my interest in psychology is loaded with several interesting functions of human behavior. The other area that motivated my love for the discipline of Psychology is the whole conversation around mental disorders. Briefly, a working definition for a mental disorder is: Any behavior or emotional state that causes a person to suffer, is self-destructive; seriously impairs the person’s ability to work or get along with others; or endangers others or the community. Most people sometimes will manifest symptoms of several disorders; no need to get nervous, especially if you are not endangering yourself or community. Now if there are behaviors that are beginning to hinder the regular ebb and flow of what was before normal functioning then there may be a need to inquire. I was also drawn to psychology because of the intrigue of diagnosis and the validity of the classification system. I was always concerned about diagnosing an individual with the wrong diagnosis; those labels tend to follow one for life; so when I studied psychology, I was concerned about the validity of the diagnostic system and I have identified at least 4 concerns with diagnosing without competency

1. The danger of over-diagnosis

2. The power of diagnostic labels

3. Confusion of serious mental disorders with normal problems

4. The illusion of objectivity and universality

Ok this is enough—I have much more on this issue but I just wanted to throw some concrete answers out as to what motivated me to study psychology. I’ll post some other Psychology stuff later but this allowed me to answer another question-------

Until the next Blog---Lawrence Murray Ph.D.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Can You Really Forgive Yourself? The secret to living Free, Far, & Full

Can You Really Forgive Yourself?
"Live Free, Far, & Full"
Lawrence Murray Ph.D.
Luke 7:36-50

1. Live Free through Contemplation!
A) He Looks to Find Sinners
B) He Loves to Forgive Sinners

2. Live Far from Condemnation!
A) Chained to a Sinful Past
B) Cheated by a Satanic Power

3. Live Full of Consolation!
A) Affirm It as Fact
B) Accept It by Faith

I read about a New Jersey artist who came up with the idea of selling "guilt kits." Each kit contained ten disposable paper bags and a set of instructions that read, "Place bag securely over your mouth, take a deep breath and blow the guilt out. Dispose of the bag immediately." Amazingly, he sold about 2,500 kits at $2.50 each, because many people were carrying around a load of guilt, and searching for some way to remove it.

The story is told about a prank pulled by the famous playwright Noel Coward. It is said that he sent an identical note to twenty of the most famous men in London. The note read, "Everybody has found out what you are doing. If I were you I would get out of town." [1] Supposedly, all twenty men left town. It would seem that something from their past filled with guilt.
According to a 2006 finding, by the New England Journal of Medicine, 70 percent of people in mental institutions could be released if they knew how, and where, to find a way to cope with guilt.

There are times when we feel guilty because we are guilty. Guilt is the result of wrong actions, deeds, or sin in our life. The Holy Spirit speaks up when we have done wrong and loudly reminds us of our sin. Guilt has a way of making us feel guilty.

On the other hand, there are those who are haunted and harassed by unnecessary guilt. As a pastor, I have known those who struggled with their past and had difficulty putting it behind them.

Their past failure dogged their every step. The skeletons in their closet rattled incessantly. Although their sins had confessed to God, and cleansed by God, they still carried a sense of guilt for what they had done.

Someone has said that, "If we don't deal with our guilt, our guilt will deal with us." Experiencing the forgiveness of God, and embracing the forgiveness of self is the only way that we deal with our guilt.

The woman found in Luke 7, forgiven of her sin. Jesus said to her in verse 48,"Thy sins are forgiven." In this little study, I want us to look at her and notice what Jesus said to her in verse 50, "Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace."

In those words, Jesus was telling her that her past no longer had to hurt her, harm her, hinder her, or haunt her. He was giving her the secret to the forgiveness of self.

There are 3 levels of forgiveness described in Luke 7. There is the forgiveness of God, the forgiveness of self, and the forgiveness of others. It all starts with the forgiveness of God.

But, once I come to grips with the fact that God has forgiven me, I am then able to forgive myself, as well as others. Let me put it this way. God forgives me; that is Grace. I forgive me; that is Peace. I forgive you; that is Fellowship. That, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters is the ultimate freedom of forgiveness.

Let's notice how the words of Jesus to this sinful woman enabled her to experience the forgiveness of self. First of all, in order to forgive ourselves, we must:


The woman in the story, many believe to be Mary Magdalene, has just experienced the forgiving grace of the Lord Jesus. In spite of who she was, and what she had done, Jesus says to Simon in verse 47, "Her sins, which are many, are forgiven."

Apparently, Simon had a Pharisee dinner party, because in verse 49, "they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also?"

Their question was in response to what they had just heard Jesus say to them, and to the woman. In verse 48, Jesus says to the woman, "Thy sins are forgiven."

In His own words, Jesus was declaring that He was the One who "forgiveth sins also." In other words, He was the One, and the Only One who could send away, and take away the sins of this woman.

Yet, He is the Only One qualified to "seek and to save that which was lost." He is the Only One qualified to "save his people from their sins." The sins of this woman were many, but the Savior of the woman was mighty, the Lord Jesus Himself.

Thus, the woman teaches us that the first step in forgiving self is to live free through the contemplation of the fact that Jesus has forgiven us. For one thing:

A) He LOOKS to FIND Sinners

In verse 34, before Jesus entered the house of Simon, this was the resume given to him by the Pharisees; "The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners."

After He entered the house of Simon, in verse 37, "a woman in the city, which was a sinner," slipped in and lavished him with love.

Simon the Pharisee said within himself, in verse 39, "This Man, if He were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth Him: for she is a sinner."

In other words, the Pharisees accused Jesus of being a friend of sinners, and in our story Jesus demonstrated that He was guilty.

I don't know about you, but I'm awfully glad that Jesus is a friend of sinners. Sinners of every color, class, code and creed have found that Jesus is a friend of sinners. The Pharisees thought they were criticizing Jesus by saying that He was a "friend of publicans of sinners."

But, the truth of the matter is that what they though was criticism, turned out to be the greatest compliment one could give Him. He is a friend of sinner. He is a friend to THIS sinner, and He's a friend to every sinner.

Max I. Reich told of a passing a repair shop and seeing a sign in the window, "We mend everything except broken heart." When he asked what they did with broken hearts they replied, "We send them to the hospital."

I'm glad to report to you that a person doesn't have to go to the hospital to find Doctor Jesus, because He still makes house calls. There is no patient He will not see, there is no pain He does not subside, and there is no problem He cannot solve. He will take you, with, or without insurance.

I love the words penned by J. Wilbur Chapman:

Jesus! What a friend for sinners!
Jesus! Lover of my soul;
Friends may fail me, foes assail me,
He, my Savior, makes me whole.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Hallelujah! What a friend!
Saving, helping, keeping, loving,

Jesus doesn't wait on sinners to come looking for Him, because He goes out looking for sinners. I well remember the day He came looking for me, and He found me where I was, for what I was, and who I was to say, "Thy sins are forgiven."

The reason He looks to find sinners is because:

B) He LOVES to FORGIVE Sinners

The woman in this story, in no uncertain terms, was a "sinner." In fact, twice, in verse 37 and verse 39, she is referred to as a "sinner." In verse 37, we're told that everyone "in the city" knew she was a sinner.

In other words, her reputation as a dirty, defiled and depraved sinner preceded her. She was known by her life, as well as her lifestyle. It was a not a secret to anyone, because Simon knew she was a sinner, Jesus knew she was a sinner, everyone "in the city" knew she was a sinner; and, she knew she was a sinner.

Again, most feel that Luke's description indicates she was a prostitute. Whatever the case may be, one thing we know, she was a sinner, guilty of "many" sins, who possessed a horrible reputation.

But, it was to a despicable and detestable sinner, Jesus says in verse 49, "Thy sins are forgiven." She serves as a wonderful reminder that the worst of sinners can be, and will be forgiven by God. He looks to find sinners, and He loves to forgive sinners.

The word "forgive" literally means, "To send away." In other words, when we came to Jesus, He sent away and took away every sin we ever committed.

Paul said in Colossians 2: 14, "He took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." Who I was, what I was, where I was, when I came to Jesus, was ALL taken and sent away, never to be remembered anymore.

I love the story of William Cowper. Cowper suffered from severe bouts of depression, and thinking that life wasn't worth living, attempted to take his life on 3 different occasions. However, each time he tried to kill himself, something always happened to prevent it.

After his last attempt, he thought to himself, "I am such a failure. I can't even succeed in killing myself." He was walking by a mission while a service was in progress. He heard the singing and rejoicing inside and stopped just outside the door to listen.

It was then that he heard a man get up and tell that God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die for us. That night, William Cowper gave his heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

In later years, a man who wanted to bleed to death wrote the words:

There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
And sinners plunge beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.

Aren't you glad that Jesus looks to find sinners? Aren't you glad that Jesus loves to forgive sinners? Then, live free through the contemplation of the fact that, if you are saved, you have been forgiven!

The second way we can forgive ourselves is not only to live free through contemplation, but to:


If you are saved, then you are forgiven! If you have sinned, and you have confessed it to God, then you are forgiven. It's just that simple.

In our story, a woman whose life was stained and scarred by sin heard Jesus say, "Thy sins are forgiven." Yet, we do not read where she dismissed His words, debated His words, or doubted His words.

Can you imagine what those words, "Thy sins are forgiven," meant to this sinful woman? I'm sure that it would have been easy for her to go through life carrying around a load of guilt, and shame for what she had done, and how she had lived.

Yet, Jesus says to her, "Thy sins, all thy sinful practices and sinful past, are taken away." Thus, we see that once we live free through contemplation of forgiven sins, we must then make a choice to live far from condemnation of former sins.

The reason it is necessary to live far from condemnation is because many are:


I'm quite confident that had this woman chose to, she could have, and would have lived chained to her sinful past. Again, everyone "in the city" knew of her sinful life, as well as her sensual lifestyle. Everyone knew who she was, and what she had done.

I'm also sure that after she heard Jesus say, "Thy sins are forgiven," that she may have ran into some one on her way home that would have reminded her of her sins. If she had not accepted the free and full forgiveness of the Lord Jesus, she would have lived like a slave chained to her sinful past.

Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote a compelling piece entitled, "Remorse."

Shall I kill myself?
What help in that? I cannot kill my sin.
If soul be soul, nor can I kill my shame;
No, nor by living can I live it down.
The days will grow to weeks, the weeks to months,
The months will add to themselves and make years.
The years will roll into centuries,
And mine shall ever be a name of scorn.

For many a defeated soul, the ghosts of guilt and the pain of the past is like a hound on their trail. The bones of the skeletons in their closet never seem to quit rattling. Shakespeare wrote of how a guilty person is "full of scorpions."

Like Lady Macbeth, who looked at her lily-white hands, but saw blood after taking part in a murder, the ghosts of ones past seemingly never leaves them alone.

They have heard Jesus say, "Thy sins are forgiven," but they continue to live in shackles chained to a past abortion, a past illegitimate pregnancy, a past moral, mental or marital failure.

They know the Bible says, if they "confess" their "sin" God is "faithful and just to forgive" their sin, but they just can't forgive themselves, because something in their past holds them, haunts them and harasses them.

Not only are many chained to a sinful past, but they are:


In our story, Simon, though a Pharisee, in reality played the part of the devil's advocate. He knew who this woman was, and what this woman had done; thus, he reminds her, as well as Jesus by saying, in verse 39, "This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner."

Jesus has just been invited to Simon's house, and he is warmed, welcomed, and worshipped by an uninvited "sinner" woman. Immediately, Simon loads his gun with attack and accusation against this woman, because all he chose to see was her dirty, defiled and depraved past.

Doesn't that sound just like the devil? Revelation 12:10 informs us that Satan is the "accuser of the brethren." The word "accuser" is the Greek word kategoreo, from which we receive the word "category."

In other words, the devil is constantly on the look out to categorize our sin. How does he do that? He does that by being the one that "Accused them before our God day and night." He does that by reminding us, as well as God, of who we are, and what we have done.

Many Christians ought to wise up to the fact that the devil is the ultimate con man. He will bait the hook with bait that allures and attracts us. Once we take the bait, and fall into sin; he turns the tables and says things like, "You are no good. You are unworthy. If you were really saved, you never would have done that."

Isn't that amazing? The very one who set a trap for us to fall into, has the audacity to accuse us once we've fallen. It reminds me of a little boy who always went next door to play, even though his mom had warned him against doing so. This worried his mom so badly that she asked him why he was so disobedient.
He replied that Satan tempted him so bad that he did not know what to do. His mom then advised him to say, 'Get thee behind me Satan,' whenever he was tempted. She ten built a fence around the house.

This worked for a week, then one sunny afternoon his mom looked out the window and there was her son playing on the neighbor's lawn having cut a hole in the fence. She yelled, "Jeremiah, come here! Did I not tell you to say 'Get thee behind me Satan' whenever he tempted you to go through the fence?" The boy replied, "Yes mom. I said 'Get thee behind me Satan,' then he went behind me and pushed me through the hole in the fence."

Friend, be not deceived to think that the devil has your best interests at heart. If you are unsaved, he hates you and will not be satisfied until he devours your life. If you are saved, he really hates you, and will not be satisfied until he destroys your testimony.

That's why the Bible likens Satan to 5 different animals.

In Genesis 3, he's a serpent trying to deceive God's people.
In Matthew 13, he's a bird trying to despoil God's harvest.
In John 10, he's a wolf wanting to dismantle God's flock.
In 1 Peter 5, he's a lion trying to devour God's children.
In Revelation 12, he's a dragon wanting to destroy God's Son.

But, if you are saved, and have committed some sin and that sin has been confessed to God; as far as God is concerned it is forgiven and forgotten.

You see the Holy Spirit convicts us, but the devil condemns us. If that sin has been confessed, the Holy Spirit will never bring it up again because it's under the blood, cast into the "depths of the sea." But, the devil will bring it up, over and over again, to condemn you.

That's why I love Romans 8: 1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." It doesn't matter what sin you committed, if you ask God to forgive you, it is forgiven. Therefore, you don't have to live chained to a sinful past or cheated by a satanic power. You can live far, far away from condemnation.
Finally, to forgive ourselves we should live free through contemplation, live far from condemnation; and:


I call your attention to the words of the Lord Jesus in verse 50. He has just informed her that "Her sins, which are many...are forgiven." But, then, He proceeds to say to her, "Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace."

He could have said, "Thy sins are forgiven, now get away from me." Or, "Thy sins are forgiven, don't ask me again." Or, "Thy sins are forgiven; get out of town so no one sees you." But, instead, He says, "Thy sins are forgiven. Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace."

What a word of consolation those words must have been. She may have expected condemnation, but instead she received consolation. She did not have to live in bondage to who she was, and what she had done.

She did not have to hang her head, in guilt and shame, once Jesus had forgiven her. Rather, her pitiful life became a peaceful life full of consolation. For one reason, she could:


To a woman who life was stained and scarred by sin, Jesus says, "Go in peace." The word "peace" speaks "of being quiet in yourself." The idea is of a person having quietness, restfulness and peacefulness about them.
In other words, once she had been forgiven by Jesus, it didn't matter what anyone else thought, including herself. She had been freely and fully forgiven by the only One that matters; thus, she could affirm it as fact. She was forgiven.

It reminds me of the words of the Lord Jesus to a woman caught in the act of adultery in John 8. I'm convinced that the man she committed the act with was among those seeking to condemn the woman.

First, the Pharisees knew that the law demanding that she be stoned. Second, whatever Jesus wrote on the ground "they heard it, being convicted by their own conscience." (John 8:9) As a result, they scattered like scalded dogs.

Jesus looked up and said, "Where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee? She said, "No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: GO AND SIN NO MORE!" (John 8:10-11)

Without condoning her or condemning her, He cleaned her, comforted her and consoled her. His words to her, "Go and sin no more" not only spoke of forgiveness, but repentance. But, as far as He was concerned, forgiveness was a fact she could affirm.

Isaiah declares in Isaiah 53:6 that when Jesus died on the Cross, "the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." In other words, Jesus became "sin for us." He became sin without becoming a sinner.

Get the picture. Jesus, on the Cross, became sin. But, Paul said again, regarding our sin debt, that Jesus "took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." Thus, as they drove the spikes into his hands and feet, they were in essence nailing our sin to the Cross.

Therefore, it matters not what may be the skeleton that is rattling in your closet, or what past sin holds you, haunts you, or harasses you. Jesus became that sin, and He "took it out of the way." The debt has been paid in full, and it was paid "once and for all."

It's just that simple, so affirm it as fact. We did not demand it, we did not desire it; and, we certainly did not deserve it; but JESUS DID IT! You want to learn to forgive yourself, and then affirm that Jesus shed His blood not so you could live with guilt; but, so that you would live in grace.

Not only must we affirm it as fact, but we must:


Jesus said to this defiled, despicable and depraved "sinner," "Thy sins are forgiven." Then, "Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace." As far as Jesus was concerned, her sins were both forgiven and forgotten. Her "sins, which were many," had all been taken away.

As a result of His forgiveness, His advice to her is, "Don't hang you head. Don't wallow in it. Don't dwell on it. Rather, go in peace, and be at rest in yourself that you have been forgiven."

How could she understand that? The answer is, she couldn't. All she could do is take the Lord Jesus as His word, affirm it as fact, and accept it by faith.

Yet, such is the case for any person who seeks to be delivered from the shame and guilt of past sins that haunt, and harass them. If it has been confessed, and repented of, as far as Jesus is concerned, it has been forgiven and forgotten.

It's not based upon your understanding of it, because, in all likelihood, you will never understand how God could be so loving to forgive and forget. Thus, instead of understanding it, affirm it as fact and accept it by faith.

I have met, dealt with, and counseled all sorts of peoPle down through the years. There are those people with the attitude, "Well, I know I shouldn't do this, but the Lord will forgive me of it." If that is a person's attitude toward the grace of God, then they know nothing of the grace of God. Grace does not give a license to sin, but a liberty to serve.

There are other who constantly hear the rattling of skeletons in their closet. I ask them, "Have you confessed it to God, and repented of it?" They often say, "Preacher, I've asked God to forgive me a thousand times over." To which I reply, "If you meant business; only 1 time was required."

Then, they say something like, "I know that God has forgiven me, but I just can't forgive myself." Wait a minute! Do you realize what you are saying? You are saying that, apparently, you have a higher standard than God.

You are saying that Sovereign God can forgive you, but you cannot forgive yourself? Then, you must have a higher standard of forgiveness than God.

We often quote 1 John 1:9 without truly understanding the context of it. The Bible says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

That verse does not just apply to God's forgiveness at the moment of salvation, because John is writing to those who have already been saved. That is why he writes in 1 John 2:1, "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."

God does wipe the slate clean at the moment of salvation. At that moment, "old things are passed," and "all things become new." But, what many fail to see is that God saves our soul, not our flesh. Thus, as long as we inhabit this flesh, we will always possess the capacity for sin, and the propensity to sin.

John writes to say, "Saints, my earnest desire is that you do not sin. But, if you do sin, you have the best defense attorney of eternity, Jesus Christ the righteous, who pleads your case before the Father."

Therefore, although there are always consequences to sin, there is also forgiveness for sin. If you ask Him, confess it to Him, and repent of it, God will forgive you. Once you affirm His forgiveness as fact, and accept His forgiveness by faith; you can then "Go in peace," and forgive yourself.

I love the life story of Clara Barton, the organizer of the American Red Cross. One of the legacies of her life is that she was such a forgiving person, who never harbored resentment toward anyone. On one occasion, a friend recalled to her an incident that had taken place years before. The friend said, "Don't you remember the wrong you did?" Clara Barton replied, "No, I distinctly remember forgetting that!"

The devil will bring it up, but God never will. Other people may bring it up, but God never will. Your mind may even bring it up, but God never will. Forgiven sin is forgotten sin. Affirm it as fact and accept it by faith.

There is someone reading this right now, who need to come to God and gain victory once and for all over the past. You need to determine with the apostle Paul, "this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before."

You need to come humbly before God and say, "Lord, I know that I did wrong. I'm sorry, not because I got caught, but because I broke your heart, and violated your holy standard. Thus, on the authority of Your Word, I ask you to forgive me and cleanse me."

Then, you need to accept it faith and say, "Thank you, Father that I am clean before you. Thank you that You do not see what I did in my sin, but what Jesus did for my sin. Since you no longer remember my sin, I don't have to, and I refuse to live in the devil's basement any longer. You say that I am forgiven; therefore, I am forgiven, and I forgive myself for what I have done."

When the devil tries to bring it up again, take Him to the Word of God, a bloody cross, an empty tomb, and a glorified Savior who is your defense attorney before God. Tell the devil, "God has forgiven and forgotten, and I distinctly remember forgetting it as well." Then, get up, dust yourself off, and "Go in peace!"
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Shout for the Father!! Shout for the Son!!! Shout for the Holy Spirit!!!!
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yeeeeeesssssss Lord!